2024 - 2025 Academic Senate Committee Membership List
Committees of the Academic Senate
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Katherine Howard | '27 | Arts & Letters |
Shikha Upadhyaya (Ch) | '25 | Business & Economics |
Judy Huand | '26 | Education |
Chengyu Sun | '25 | Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech |
Elizabeth Winokur | '27 | Health & Human Services |
__________________ | '27 | Ethnic Studies |
Kirsten Fisher (V-Ch) | '25 | Natural & Social Sciences |
Sarah Baker | '25 | Library & Student Affairs |
Kathryn (Mandy) Hillstrom | '26 | Nominations Committee |
Azalea Camacho | '27 | Nominations Committee |
Mark Raspopov | '25 | Undergraduate Student |
__________________ | '25 | Postbacalaureate Student |
Christopher Harris | '25 | Exec Comm Liaison |
Michelle Hawley | | Provost or Designee (Exec Secy) |
Cheryl Pugh | | Recording Secretary |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Amy Santoferraro | '27 | Arts & Letters |
Andre Avramchuk (Alexandru Roman*) | '25 | Business & Economics |
Jennifer McCormick | '26 | Education |
Michael Ibraham (Manveen Kaur*) | '25 | Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech |
Joy Sales | '27 | Ethnic Studies |
Miwako Hisago | '26 | Health & Human Services |
Edith Porter | '25 | Natural & Social Sciences |
Lettycia Terrones (Ch) | '27 | Library & Student Affairs |
Heidi Riggio (V-Ch) | '26 | Nominations Committee |
Jessica Dennis | '27 | Nominations Committee |
__________________ | '25 | Undergraduate Student |
__________________ | '25 | Postbaccalaureate Student |
Talia Bettcher | '25 | Exec Comm Liaison |
Elizabeth Heise | | Provost or Designee (Exec Secy) |
Virginia Green | | Recording Secretary |
(*)1-year alternate
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Marina Cuzoic-Severn | '26 | Arts & Letters |
Luis Li | '25 | Business & Economics |
Leila Ricci | '27 | Education |
David Blekhman | '25 | Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech |
___________________ | '27 | Ethnic Studies |
Stefan Keslacy (Ch) | '27 | Health & Human Services |
Jessica DeShazo (Jessica Bremner*) | '26 | Natural & Social Sciences |
Adele Dobry | '25 | Library & Student Affairs |
Michael Runnels (V-Ch) | '25 | Nominations Committee |
Holly Yu | '26 | Nominations Committee |
Mark Wild | '26 | Nominations Committee |
_________________ | '25 | Undergraduate Student |
__________________ | '25 | Postbaccalaureate Student |
Kevin Baaske | '25 | Exec Comm Liaison |
Carlos Beltran | | VPA & CFO or Desig (Exec Secy) |
Yohana Coronel | | Recording Secretary |
(*)1-year alternate
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Nina O’Brien | '25 | Arts & Letters |
Devika Hazra (Ch) | '26 | Business & Economics |
Ya-Chih (Jilly) Chang | '27 | Education |
_______________________ | '25 | Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech |
Melina Abdullah | '27 | Ethnic Studies |
Carlena Orosco (V-Ch) | '26 | Health & Human Services |
Michael Hayes | '27 | Natural & Social Sciences |
Tiffanie Ford-Baxter | '26 | Library & Student Affairs |
Jessica DeShazo | '25 | Exec Comm Liaison |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Joseph Gallegos | '27 | Arts & Letters |
Mohammad Mollah | '27 | Business & Economics |
Socorro Orozco (Ch) | '25 | Education |
Arezoo Khodayari | '26 | Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech |
__________________ | '27 | Ethnic Studies |
Stacey Warner | '25 | Health & Human Services |
__________________ | '25 | Natural & Social Sciences |
Ariana Varela | '26 | Library & Student Affairs |
Pamella Howell (V-Ch) | '25 | Nominations Committee |
__________________ | '27 | Nominations Committee |
Mark Raspopov | '25 | Undergraduate Student |
Adityaram Natakarani | '25 | Postbaccalaureate Student |
Maria Oropeza Fujimoto | '25 | Exec Comm Liaison |
M. Hawley *Andrea Villegas | | Dean Und Grad Stds/*Desg |
K. Elliot Brown *Andrew Chavez | | Dean Grad Studies/*Desg |
Patrick Day | | VP for Student Life (Exec Secy) |
__________________ | | Recording Secretary |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Zachary Zezima | '26 | Arts & Letters |
Mengying He | '25 | Business & Economics |
Benjamin Emihovich | '25 | Education |
Masood Shahverdi | '25 | Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech |
__________________ | '26 | Ethnic Studies |
Wook Yang | '25 | Health & Human Services |
Susan Cohen | '25 | Natural & Social Sciences |
Jayati Chaudhuri | '26 | Library & Student Affairs |
__________________ | '25 | Postbaccalaureate Student |
Jason Shiotsugu | | Provost or Designee (Exec Secy) |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Anika Sarin | '25 | Arts & Letters |
Yuanyuan Li | '25 | Business & Economics |
Benjamin Emihovich | '25 | Education |
Manveen Kaur | '25 | Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech |
__________________ | '25 | Ethnic Studies |
Jessica Morales-Chicas | '25 | Health & Human Services |
Edith Porter | '25 | Natural & Social Sciences |
___________________ | '25 | Library & Student Affairs |
Yahir Flores | '25 | ASI President or Designee |
Name |
Year |
College/Dept/Title |
__________________ |
'25 |
Nominations Committee |
Michael Joseph |
'25 |
Nominations Committee |
Nicole Horejsi |
'25 |
Nominations Committee |
Adele Dobry |
'26 |
Nominations Committee |
Edith Porter |
'27 |
Nominations Committee |
__________________ |
'25 |
Upper Div or Postbac Std |
Marcela Villanueva |
Public Member |
Jeffrey Lee |
University Veterinarian |
Rominna Valentine Ico |
Biological Safety Officer, Ex Officio |
Jason Shiotsugu |
Animal Care Director |
Jenny Arvizu |
Animal Care Supervisor |
Jason Shiotsugu |
Provost or Designee (Exec Secy) |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Somak Banerjee | '28 | Nominations Committee |
Carlena Orosco | '28 | Nominations Committee |
Cheryl Kamei-Hannan | '25 | Nominations Committee |
Stefan Keslacy | '25 | Nominations Committee |
Allison Mattheis | '26 | Nominations Committee |
__________________ | '28 | Nominations Committee |
Sharon Ulanoff | ’27 | Nominations Committee |
Karina Martinez | | IRB Staff Member |
Claire Riner | | IRB Staff Member |
Cathy Weinstein | | Public Member |
Jason Shiotsugu | | Provost or Des. (Exec Secy) |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Anureet Kaur (Ch) | '25 | Nominations Committee |
Erika Verba | '25 | Nominations Committee |
Christopher Harris | '25 | Nominations Committee |
Michael Caldwell | '25 | Nominations Committee |
Tarisi Vunidilo | '25 | Nominations Committee |
Yahir Flores | '25 | ASI President or Designee |
Maria Ubago | '25 | Alumni Representative |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Silvia Martin | '26 | Nominations Committee |
Yves-Martin Feller | '27 | Nominations Committee |
Nancy Warter-Perez | | Presidential Appointee |
__________________ | | Presidential Appointee |
Jeffrey Underwood | | Assoc VP for Research or |
__________________ | | Designee (Exec Secy) |
Subcommittees of the Educational Policy Committee
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Sarah Minslow (Ch) | '25 | Arts & Letters |
Song Xing | '25 | Business & Economics |
Robin Dodds | '27 | Education |
Maryam Nazari (Jeffrey S. Santner) | '26 | Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech |
__________________ | '27 | Ethnic Studies |
Kimberly Kisler | '27 | Health & Human Services |
Mary (Katie) Dingeman | '26 | Natural & Social Sciences |
Tiffanie Ford-Baxter (V-Ch) | '26 | Library & Student Affairs |
__________________ | '25 | Undergraduate Student |
Katherine Howard | '25 | EPC Liaison |
__________________ | '25 | SPC Liaison |
Andrea Villegas | | Exec Director of Student Success and Advising |
Michelle Hawley | | Provost or Designee (Exec Secy) |
Michelle Hawley | | Recording Secretary |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Christopher Harris | '26 | Arts & Letters |
Yalan Feng | '26 | Business & Economics |
Benjamin Emihovich | '27 | Education |
Zilong Ye | '27 | Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech |
__________________ | '27 | Ethnic Studies |
Sierra Cordova | '25 | Health & Human Services |
Jingjing Li | '26 | Natural & Social Sciences |
Sheree Fu | '25 | Library & Student Affairs |
Kathryn Hillstrom | '25 | EPC Liaison |
__________________ | '25 | Undergraduate Student |
Akshith Balappagari | '25 | Postbaccalaureate Student |
Catherine Haras | | Director of CETL or Designee |
Catherine Haras | | Provost or Designee (Exec Secy) |
Maryam Movsumov | | Recording Secretary |
Leon McNaught | | ITS |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Patti Kilroy (Ch) | '26 | Arts & Letters |
Somak Benerjee (V-Ch) | '27 | Business & Economics |
Theresa Meyerott | '27 | Education |
Jungsoo Lim | '25 | Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech |
Anita Revilla | '27 | Ethnic Studies |
Leila Rahnama | '27 | Health & Human Services |
Justin Troyka | '26 | Natural & Social Sciences |
Kendall Faulkner | '26 | Library & Student Affairs |
Judy Huang | '25 | EPC Liaison |
Lori Krekorian | '25 | Undergraduate Student |
__________________ | '25 | Postbaccalaureate Student |
Esther Tam | | UGS, Current Analyst |
Margaret Garcia | | Provost or Designee (Exec Secy) |
Cheryl Pugh | | Recording Secretary |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Mark Balaguer | '25 | Arts & Letters |
Somak Benrjee (Ch) | '27 | Business & Economics |
Denice Rios Mojica (V-Ch) | '27 | Education |
Maryam Nazari | '26 | Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech |
Anita Tijerina Revilla | '27 | Ethnic Studies |
Anureet Shah Kaur | '25 | Health & Human Services |
Karine Le Bris | '26 | Natural & Social Sciences |
Katie Perry | '26 | Library & Student Affairs |
Elizabeth Winokur | '25 | EPC Liaison |
Margaret Garcia | | Provost or Designee (Exec Secy) |
Ether Tam | | UGS, Current Analyst |
Anita Revilla | | Vice-Chair |
Cheryl Pugh | | Recording Secretary |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Sarah Minslow | '26 | Arts & Letters |
Mine Ucok Hughes | '27 | Business & Economics |
Theresa Meyerott | '25 | Education |
Mo Pourhomayoun | '26 | Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech |
__________________ | '27 | Ethnic Studies |
Ga-young Choi | '25 | Health & Human Services |
Angela Vergara (Ch) | '25 | Natural & Social Sciences |
Lettycia Terrones | '27 | Library & Student Affairs |
Azalea Camacho | '25 | EPC Liaison |
_________________ | '25 | Postbaccalaureate Student |
Carlos Rodriguez | | Provost or Designee (Exec Secy) |
Mai Tran | | Recording Secretary |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Suzanne Regan | '27 | Arts & Letters |
John Kennedy | '26 | Arts & Letters |
Roger Mendoza | '27 | Business & Economics |
Arun Aryal | | Business & Economics |
Rebecca Joseph (Ch) | '27 | College of Education |
Lois Weinberg | '26 | College of Education |
Michael Ibrahim | '26 | Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech |
Charles Liu | '27 | Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech |
__________________ | | Ethnic Studies |
Gregory Stevens | '25 | Health & Human Services |
______________ | | Health & Human Services |
Ester Hernandez | '26 | Natural & Social Science |
Yixian Wang | '25 | Natural & Social Science |
Jayati Chaudhuri (V-Ch) | '26 | Library & Student Affairs |
______________ | | ASI |
Kirsten Fisher | '25 | EPC Liasion |
David Connors | | Exec Secretary |
Veronica Ramirez | | Recording Secretary |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Bingjie Liu | '25 | Arts & Letters |
Andre Avramchuk (Mahshid Jesri*) | '25 | Business & Economics |
Michele Wallace | '26 | Education |
Negin Forouzesh (Ch) | '25 | Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech |
Serie McDougal (Jose Anguiano) | '27 | Ethnic Studies |
Sunil Mangalassary | '26 | Health & Human Services |
William Rosales | '26 | Natural & Social Sciences |
Sheree Fu (V-Ch) | '26 | Library & Student Affairs |
Sarah Baker | '25 | EPC Liaison |
Dion Vines | '25 | Postbaccalaureate Student |
Akshith Balappagari | '25 | Postbaccalaureate Student |
Karin Elliott Brown | | Provost or Designee (Exec Secy) |
Veronica Ramirez | | Recording Secretary |
(*)1-year alternate
Administrative Committees and Subcommittees Reporting to the President and University Level Committee
(to which the Nominations Committee makes appointments)
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Beth Baker | '26 | Nominations Committee |
Edith Porter | '27 | Nominations Committee |
Molly Talcott | '28 | Nominations Committee |
Behjat A. Sharif | '29 | Nominations Committee |
Jessica Dennis | '25 | Nominations Committee |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Christopher Jackson | | Asst. Director of Housing/Res. Life |
Demetrius Caldwell | | Athletics |
Evita Soares | | Student Development Coord |
_______________ | | Counseling, Std Hlth Ctr |
Joanna Gaspar | | Compliance, Std Hlth Ctr |
Marisa Marcarello | | Health Educ, Std Hlth.Ctr |
Johanna Avelino | | Health Educ, Std Hlth Ctr |
Allen Nguyen | | Public Safety |
Erika Ramirez | | Human Resources Mgmt |
Christopher Battle | | Frat & Soror Life Coord |
Robin Dodds | '25 | Nominations Committee |
Anwesha Chowdhury | ’24 | Nominations Committee |
__________________ | '25 | Student Representative |
__________________ | '25 | Student Representative |
Mark Goodman | | Alumni Representative |
Alexandra Collyer | | Dir Student Initiatives |
Frangelo Ayran | | Assoc. Dean of Students/ Wellness & Engagement |
__________________ | | Assoc Dean of Students/Student Conduct |
Danielle Chambers | | AVP Stdt Life/Dean of Students (Exec Secy) |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Yancey Modesto | | Dir of Plnng, Dsgn & Constr |
Michael Murray | | Dir of Facilities Services |
Amy Bippus | | Provost & VPAA or Designee |
Jason Solis | | VPITS or Designee |
_______________ | | VP for Student Life or Designee |
Maria Magolske | | VPIA or Designee |
Betty Kennedy | | Director of Operations |
Michael Ibrahim | ’25 | Nominations Committee |
Kendall Faulkner | ’26 | Nominations Committee |
__________________ | ’24 | Student Representative |
Theresa O’Neil | | CSU C.O. Rep Ex Officio |
__________________ | | Cnslt Arch or Des |
__________________ | | Cnslt Lndscp Arch or Des |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Omel A. Nieves | | President |
Larry Adamson | | Vice President |
John Tcheng | | Treasurer |
Danielle Ares-Duran | | Secretary |
Manisha Javeri | '25 | Nominations Committee |
Devika Hazra | '26 | Nominations Committee |
__________________ | ’25 | Student Representative |
Andre Avramchuk | ’25 | Chair, Academic Senate |
Brian Nguyen | | ASI President or designee |
Robert Avalos | | VP University Advancement |
Claudio Lindow | | VP Administration & CFO |
Berenecea Eanes | | University President |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Suzanne Regan | ’25 | Nominations Com (A&L) |
Minyoung Noh | ’25 | Nominations Com (B&E) |
Jennifer Weyman (V-Ch) | ’26 | Nominations Com (COE) |
David Krum | ’26 | Nominations Com (ECST) |
Anureet Kaur (Ch) | '25 | Nominations Com (HHS) |
Xian Gao | '26 | Nominations Com (NSS) |
Katie Perry | ’26 | Nominations Com (LSA) |
Tarisi Vunidilo | ’25 | Nominations Com (CoES) |
__________________ | ’25 | Student Representative |
__________________ | ’25 | Student Representative |
__________________ | ’25 | Student Representative |
Emily Acevedo | | Presidential Appt (Exec Secy) |
__________________ | | Presidential Appointee, Ex Off |
__________________ | | Communications/Public Affairs |
Maria Ubago | | Alumni Relations |
James Cuaresma | | University Events Protocol |
Chelsey Seely | | Registrar |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Anika Sarin | ’28 | Arts & Letters |
Stefan Keslacy | ’25 | Health & Human Services |
Chuck Flores | ’26 | Education |
Bingbing Wang | ’28 | Business & Economics |
Adityaram Natakarani | '25 | Student Representative |
__________________ | '25 | Student Representative |
__________________ | ’25 | Student Representative |
__________________ | | Univ Development Bd Desg |
__________________ | | Alumni Board Designee |
__________________ | | VP Student Life/Desg |
George Crocker (Ch) | | Faculty Athletics Representative |
Daryl Gross | | Executive Athletics Director |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Chandan Suresh | '25 | Nominations Committee |
Seongwon Choi | ’25 | Nominations Committee |
___________________ | ’24 | Student Representative |
___________________ | ’24 | Student Representative |
___________________ | | Presidential Appointee |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Amy Bippus | | Provost & VPAA or Designee |
Claudio Lindow | | VPAF or Designee (Exec Secy) |
Robert Avalos | | VP University Advancement |
___________________ | | VP Div, Equity & Incl or Desg |
___________________ | | VP Student Life or Designee |
Berhanu Tadesse | | Interim VPITS or Designee |
__________________ | | AVP Comm & Public Affairs |
__________________ | | Chair, Academic Senate or Desg |
__________________ | | Chair (F’23), Fiscal Plcy Comm |
Joanna Zhao | ’24 | Nominations Committee |
__________________ | | ASI President or Designee |
Ron Vogel | | College Dean/Pres Appt |
__________________ | | Non-Acad Admin/Pres Appt |
Carlos Beltran | | AVPAF/Financial Services |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Nidavone Niravanh | | University Risk Manager |
Richard Brennan | | Health & Safety Coordinator |
Tanyi Obenson | | Chem/Radiation Safety Officer |
Andrew Wilson | | Hazard Matrl Tech & Biol Safety Off |
__________________ | | Worker’s Comp Liability Mgr |
__________________ | | Public Safety Appointee |
Henry Wisniewski | | Auxiliary Services, Inc Appt |
Manveen Kaur | ’26 | Nominations Committee |
__________________ | ’25 | Student Representative |
__________________ | | Info Tech Support Appointee |
Michael Murray | | Dir Facilities Services Appoint |
__________________ | | Facilities Plan & Const Appt |
Matthew Warren | | Student Health Center |
Appointee Representatives of Bargaining Units 1 to 9
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Emily Acevedo | | Provost & VPAA or Designee |
Michael Murray | | Dir. of Facilities Services |
Joni Shimotsu | | VPAF Appointee |
Jason Solis | | VPITS Appointee |
Betty Kennedy | | VP for Student Life Appointee |
Maria Magolske | | VPIA Appointee |
Steven Frenda | ’25 | Nominations Committee |
Minyoung Noh | ’26 | Nominations Committee |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Dion Vines | '25 | Student Representative |
__________________ | '25 | Student Representative |
__________________ | '25 | Student Representative |
__________________ | '25 | Staff Representative |
__________________ | '25 | Staff Representative |
__________________ | '25 | Staff Representative |
May Fu | ’25 | Nominations Committee |
Leila Ricci | ’25 | Nominations Committee |
Cynthia Wang | '25 | Nominations Committee |
Frangelo Ayran (Ch) | | Presidential Appointee |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
President Berenecea Eanes | | Board President’s Designee |
Claudio Lindow | | VP Administration & CFO |
Hengchum Ye | | AVP of Research |
Carlos Beltran | | Assoc VP for Adm. Finance |
Patrick Day | | Presidential Appointee |
Tye Jackson | | Presidential Appointee |
Dale S. Zuehls | | Director |
Arwa Hammad | | Director |
Caitlin Calica (CJ) | | Director |
Ya-Chih “Jilly” Chang | '26 | Nominations Committee |
Jim Kuo | '27 | Nominations Committee |
Andre Avramchuk | | Chair, Academic Senate or Des |
Yahir Flores | | ASI President |
Annie Ekshian | | Staff Director Rep |
Tina Mueller | | Staff Director Rep |
___________________ | | Student Representative |
___________________ | | Student Representative |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
____________________ | '25 | Student Representative |
____________________ | '25 | Student Representative |
____________________ | '25 | Student Representative |
____________________ | '25 | Student Representative |
____________________ | '25 | Student Representative |
____________________ | '25 | Student Representative |
____________________ | ’25 | Student Representative |
Anika Sarin | ’25 | Nominations Committee |
Michael Runnels | ’25 | Nominations Committee |
Arnold Geffner | | Alumnus |
Ronnie Wills | | VP&CFO Admin&Fin Desg |
Ron Vogel | | President or Designee |
Patrick Day | | VP of Student Life |
Blanca Martinez-Navaro | | AVP Std Life & Dean of Stds |
Joseph Sedlacek | | Staff Representative |
Stephen Fleischer | | USU Executive Director |
Tariq Marji | | Director UAS Inc or Rep |
Barnaby Peake | | ASI General Manager |
____________________ | | ASI BOD Rep President |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Michelle Hawley | | Provost or Designee, Ex Off |
____________________ | | Student Conduct Officer, Ex Off |
Robert Alcaraz | ’26 | Arts & Letters |
Joanna Zhao | '26 | Business & Economics |
Anna Osipova | '26 | Education |
Corey Bowen | '26 | Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech |
____________________ | ’26 | Ethnic Studies |
Beth Hoffman | ’25 | Health & Human Services |
Birte Pfleger | ’25 | Natural & Social Sciences |
Christopher Harris | ’26 | At-Large Member |
Heidi Riggio | ’25 | At-Large Member |
Rikka Tagayuan | | Student Representative |
Lori Krekorian | | Student Representative |
Dion Vines | | Student Representative |
Arwa Hammad | | Student Representative |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Amy Bippus | | Provost and VPAA |
____________________ | | Chief Info Officer & Assoc VP |
Robert Avalos | | VP for University Advancement |
Claudio Lindow | | VP for Administration and CFO |
Andre Ellis | | VP Diversity, Equity & Inclusion |
____________________ | | VP for Student Life |
Ron Vogel | | Dean/Central Academic Admin. |
Andre Avramchuk | ’27 | Academic Senate Chair or Desg |
Anika Sarin | ’27 | Arts & Letters |
Ellen Drost | ’25 | Business & Economics |
__________________ | ’27 | Education |
__________________ | ’26 | Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech |
Gabriela Simon-Cereijido | '26 | Health & Human Services |
Choi Chatterjee | '27 | Natural & Social Sciences |
Azalea Camacho | ’26 | Library & Student Affairs |
__________________ | '27 | Ethnic Studies |
__________________ | '27 | ASI President or Designee |
Marjani Chidinma | | Presidential Apt-Alumni |
Barnaby Peake | | ASI General Manager |
Jimmy Solis | | Presidential Appointee-Staff |
Sunny Moon | | Ad Hoc Staff Reqsted by Comm. |
__________________ | | Executive Committee Liaison |
__________________ | | PaGE Representative |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Patrick Sharp | | Arts & Letters |
____________________ | | Business & Economics |
____________________ | | Education |
Mohsen Eshraghi | | Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech |
Valerie Talavera-Bustillos | | Ethnic Studies |
Kathleen Hinoki | | Health & Human Services |
Edith Porter | | Natural & Social Sciences |
Azalea Camacho | | Library & Student Affairs |
_________________ | | Chair Representative, ECST |
Beth Baker | | Chair Representative, NSS |
Name | Year | College/Dept/Title |
Elizabeth Heise | | AVP Faculty Affairs |
____________________ | | Procurement & Contracts |
____________________ | | Director of Academic Tech |
Gonzalo Centeno | | Director, Off Stds w Disabilities |
Jessica Dennis | | Exec Comm of Senate Designee |
Stephen Fleischer | | Exec Dir Univ-Student Union |
Leon McNaught | | ATI Program Manager |
Karen Melick | | Dir Technical Projects & Compl |
____________________ | | Unit 1 Representative |
Gilbert Garcia | | Units 2, 5, 7 & 9 Representative |
Veronica Carrero | | Unit 4 Representative |
____________________ | | Unit 6 Representative |
____________________ | | Unit 8 Representative |
Yilin Feng | '25 | Unit 3 Representative |
Marla Peppers | | Associate University Librarian |
Susan Varela | | AVP Human Resources Mgmt |
____________________ | | ASI President’s Designee |
Rikka Tagayuna | | ASI Undergrad Student Designee |
____________________ | | ASI Graduate Student Designee |