2024 - 2025 Academic Senate Committee Membership List

Committees of the Academic Senate

Katherine Howard'27Arts & Letters
Shikha Upadhyaya (Ch)'25Business & Economics
Judy Huand'26Education
Chengyu Sun'25Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech
Elizabeth Winokur'27Health & Human Services
__________________'27Ethnic Studies
Kirsten Fisher (V-Ch)'25Natural & Social Sciences
Sarah Baker'25Library & Student Affairs
Kathryn (Mandy) Hillstrom'26Nominations Committee
Azalea Camacho'27Nominations Committee
Mark Raspopov'25Undergraduate Student
__________________'25Postbacalaureate Student
Christopher Harris'25Exec Comm Liaison
Michelle Hawley Provost or Designee (Exec Secy)
Cheryl Pugh Recording Secretary

Amy Santoferraro'27Arts & Letters
Andre Avramchuk (Alexandru Roman*)'25Business & Economics
Jennifer McCormick'26Education
Michael Ibraham (Manveen Kaur*)'25Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech
Joy Sales '27Ethnic Studies
Miwako Hisago'26Health & Human Services
Edith Porter'25Natural & Social Sciences
Lettycia Terrones (Ch)'27Library & Student Affairs
Heidi Riggio (V-Ch)'26Nominations Committee
Jessica Dennis'27Nominations Committee
__________________'25Undergraduate Student
__________________'25Postbaccalaureate Student
Talia Bettcher'25Exec Comm Liaison
Elizabeth Heise Provost or Designee (Exec Secy)
Virginia Green Recording Secretary

(*)1-year alternate

Marina Cuzoic-Severn'26Arts & Letters
Luis Li'25Business & Economics
Leila Ricci'27Education
David Blekhman'25Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech
___________________'27Ethnic Studies
Stefan Keslacy (Ch)'27Health & Human Services
Jessica DeShazo (Jessica Bremner*)'26Natural & Social Sciences
Adele Dobry'25Library & Student Affairs
Michael Runnels (V-Ch)'25Nominations Committee
Holly Yu'26Nominations Committee
Mark Wild'26Nominations Committee
_________________'25Undergraduate Student
__________________'25Postbaccalaureate Student
Kevin Baaske'25Exec Comm Liaison
Carlos Beltran VPA & CFO or Desig (Exec Secy)
Yohana Coronel Recording Secretary

(*)1-year alternate

Nina O’Brien'25Arts & Letters
Devika Hazra (Ch)'26Business & Economics
Ya-Chih (Jilly) Chang'27Education
_______________________'25Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech
Melina Abdullah'27Ethnic Studies
Carlena Orosco (V-Ch)'26Health & Human Services
Michael Hayes'27Natural & Social Sciences
Tiffanie Ford-Baxter'26Library & Student Affairs
Jessica DeShazo'25Exec Comm Liaison

Joseph Gallegos'27Arts & Letters
Mohammad Mollah'27Business & Economics
Socorro Orozco (Ch)'25Education
Arezoo Khodayari'26Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech
__________________'27Ethnic Studies
Stacey Warner'25Health & Human Services
__________________'25Natural & Social Sciences
Ariana Varela'26Library & Student Affairs
Pamella Howell (V-Ch) '25Nominations Committee
__________________'27Nominations Committee
Mark Raspopov'25Undergraduate Student
Adityaram Natakarani'25Postbaccalaureate Student
Maria Oropeza Fujimoto'25Exec Comm Liaison
M. Hawley *Andrea Villegas Dean Und Grad Stds/*Desg
K. Elliot Brown *Andrew Chavez Dean Grad Studies/*Desg
Patrick Day VP for Student Life (Exec Secy)
__________________ Recording Secretary

Zachary Zezima'26Arts & Letters
Mengying He'25Business & Economics
Benjamin Emihovich'25Education
Masood Shahverdi'25Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech
__________________'26Ethnic Studies
Wook Yang'25Health & Human Services
Susan Cohen'25Natural & Social Sciences
Jayati Chaudhuri'26Library & Student Affairs
__________________'25Postbaccalaureate Student
Jason Shiotsugu Provost or Designee (Exec Secy)

Anika Sarin'25Arts & Letters
Yuanyuan Li'25Business & Economics
Benjamin Emihovich'25Education
Manveen Kaur'25Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech
__________________'25Ethnic Studies
Jessica Morales-Chicas'25Health & Human Services
Edith Porter'25Natural & Social Sciences
___________________'25Library & Student Affairs
Yahir Flores'25ASI President or Designee

Name Year College/Dept/Title
__________________ '25 Nominations Committee
Michael Joseph '25 Nominations Committee
Nicole Horejsi '25 Nominations Committee
Adele Dobry '26 Nominations Committee
Edith Porter '27 Nominations Committee
__________________ '25 Upper Div or Postbac Std
Marcela Villanueva   Public Member
Jeffrey Lee   University Veterinarian
Rominna Valentine Ico   Biological Safety Officer, Ex Officio
Jason Shiotsugu   Animal Care Director
Jenny Arvizu   Animal Care Supervisor
Jason Shiotsugu   Provost or Designee (Exec Secy)

Somak Banerjee'28Nominations Committee
Carlena Orosco'28Nominations Committee
Cheryl Kamei-Hannan'25Nominations Committee
Stefan Keslacy'25Nominations Committee
Allison Mattheis'26Nominations Committee
__________________'28Nominations Committee
Sharon Ulanoff’27 Nominations Committee
Karina Martinez IRB Staff Member
Claire Riner IRB Staff Member
Cathy Weinstein Public Member
Jason Shiotsugu Provost or Des. (Exec Secy)

Anureet Kaur (Ch)'25Nominations Committee
Erika Verba'25Nominations Committee
Christopher Harris'25Nominations Committee
Michael Caldwell'25Nominations Committee
Tarisi Vunidilo'25Nominations Committee
Yahir Flores'25ASI President or Designee
Maria Ubago'25Alumni Representative

Silvia Martin'26Nominations Committee
Yves-Martin Feller'27Nominations Committee
Nancy Warter-Perez Presidential Appointee
__________________ Presidential Appointee
Jeffrey Underwood  Assoc VP for Research or
__________________ Designee (Exec Secy)

Subcommittees of the Educational Policy Committee

Sarah Minslow (Ch)'25Arts & Letters
Song Xing'25Business & Economics
Robin Dodds'27Education
Maryam Nazari (Jeffrey S. Santner)'26Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech
__________________'27Ethnic Studies
Kimberly Kisler'27Health & Human Services
Mary (Katie) Dingeman'26Natural & Social Sciences
Tiffanie Ford-Baxter (V-Ch)'26Library & Student Affairs
__________________'25Undergraduate Student
Katherine Howard'25EPC Liaison
__________________'25SPC Liaison
Andrea Villegas Exec Director of Student Success and Advising
Michelle Hawley Provost or Designee (Exec Secy)
Michelle Hawley Recording Secretary

Christopher Harris'26Arts & Letters
Yalan Feng'26Business & Economics
Benjamin Emihovich'27Education
Zilong Ye'27Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech
__________________'27Ethnic Studies
Sierra Cordova'25Health & Human Services
Jingjing Li'26Natural & Social Sciences
Sheree Fu'25Library & Student Affairs
Kathryn Hillstrom'25EPC Liaison
__________________'25Undergraduate Student
Akshith Balappagari'25Postbaccalaureate Student
Catherine Haras Director of CETL or Designee
Catherine Haras Provost or Designee (Exec Secy)
Maryam Movsumov Recording Secretary
Leon McNaught ITS

Patti Kilroy (Ch)'26Arts & Letters
Somak Benerjee (V-Ch)'27Business & Economics
Theresa Meyerott'27Education
Jungsoo Lim'25Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech
Anita Revilla'27Ethnic Studies
Leila Rahnama'27Health & Human Services
Justin Troyka'26Natural & Social Sciences
Kendall Faulkner'26Library & Student Affairs
Judy Huang'25EPC Liaison
Lori Krekorian '25Undergraduate Student
__________________'25Postbaccalaureate Student
Esther Tam UGS, Current Analyst
Margaret Garcia Provost or Designee (Exec Secy)
Cheryl Pugh Recording Secretary

Mark Balaguer'25Arts & Letters
Somak Benrjee (Ch)'27Business & Economics
Denice Rios Mojica (V-Ch)'27Education
Maryam Nazari'26Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech
Anita Tijerina Revilla'27Ethnic Studies
Anureet Shah Kaur'25Health & Human Services
Karine Le Bris'26Natural & Social Sciences
Katie Perry'26Library & Student Affairs
Elizabeth Winokur'25EPC Liaison
Margaret Garcia Provost or Designee (Exec Secy)
Ether Tam UGS, Current Analyst
Anita Revilla Vice-Chair
Cheryl Pugh Recording Secretary

Sarah Minslow'26Arts & Letters
Mine Ucok Hughes'27Business & Economics
Theresa Meyerott'25Education
Mo Pourhomayoun'26Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech
__________________'27Ethnic Studies
Ga-young Choi'25Health & Human Services
Angela Vergara (Ch)'25Natural & Social Sciences
Lettycia Terrones '27Library & Student Affairs
Azalea Camacho'25EPC Liaison
_________________'25Postbaccalaureate Student
Carlos Rodriguez Provost or Designee (Exec Secy)
Mai Tran Recording Secretary

Suzanne Regan'27Arts & Letters
John Kennedy'26Arts & Letters
Roger Mendoza'27Business & Economics
Arun Aryal Business & Economics
Rebecca Joseph (Ch)'27College of Education
Lois Weinberg'26College of Education
Michael Ibrahim'26Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech
Charles Liu'27Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech
__________________ Ethnic Studies
Gregory Stevens'25Health & Human Services
______________ Health & Human Services
Ester Hernandez'26Natural & Social Science
Yixian Wang'25Natural & Social Science
Jayati Chaudhuri (V-Ch)'26Library & Student Affairs
______________ ASI
Kirsten Fisher'25EPC Liasion
David Connors Exec Secretary
Veronica Ramirez Recording Secretary

Bingjie Liu'25Arts & Letters
Andre Avramchuk (Mahshid Jesri*)'25Business & Economics
Michele Wallace '26Education
Negin Forouzesh (Ch)'25Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech
Serie McDougal (Jose Anguiano)'27Ethnic Studies
Sunil Mangalassary'26Health & Human Services
William Rosales'26Natural & Social Sciences
Sheree Fu (V-Ch)'26Library & Student Affairs
Sarah Baker'25EPC Liaison
Dion Vines'25Postbaccalaureate Student
Akshith Balappagari'25Postbaccalaureate Student
Karin Elliott Brown Provost or Designee (Exec Secy)
Veronica Ramirez Recording Secretary

(*)1-year alternate

Administrative Committees and Subcommittees Reporting to the President and University Level Committee

(to which the Nominations Committee makes appointments)

Beth Baker'26Nominations Committee
Edith Porter'27Nominations Committee
Molly Talcott'28Nominations Committee
Behjat A. Sharif'29Nominations Committee
Jessica Dennis'25Nominations Committee

Christopher Jackson Asst. Director of Housing/Res. Life
Demetrius Caldwell Athletics
Evita Soares Student Development Coord
_______________ Counseling, Std Hlth Ctr
Joanna Gaspar Compliance, Std Hlth Ctr
Marisa Marcarello Health Educ, Std Hlth.Ctr
Johanna Avelino Health Educ, Std Hlth Ctr
Allen Nguyen Public Safety
Erika Ramirez  Human Resources Mgmt
Christopher Battle Frat & Soror Life Coord
Robin Dodds'25Nominations Committee
Anwesha Chowdhury’24Nominations Committee
__________________'25Student Representative
__________________'25Student Representative
Mark Goodman Alumni Representative
Alexandra Collyer Dir Student Initiatives
Frangelo Ayran Assoc. Dean of Students/ Wellness & Engagement
__________________ Assoc Dean of Students/Student Conduct
Danielle Chambers AVP Stdt Life/Dean of Students (Exec Secy)

Yancey Modesto Dir of Plnng, Dsgn & Constr
Michael Murray Dir of Facilities Services
Amy Bippus Provost & VPAA or Designee
Jason Solis VPITS or Designee
_______________ VP for Student Life or Designee
Maria Magolske VPIA or Designee
Betty Kennedy Director of Operations
Michael Ibrahim’25Nominations Committee
Kendall Faulkner’26Nominations Committee
__________________’24Student Representative
Theresa O’Neil  CSU C.O. Rep Ex Officio
__________________ Cnslt Arch or Des
__________________ Cnslt Lndscp Arch or Des

Omel A. Nieves President
Larry Adamson Vice President
John Tcheng Treasurer
Danielle Ares-Duran Secretary
Manisha Javeri'25Nominations Committee
Devika Hazra'26Nominations Committee
__________________’25Student Representative
Andre Avramchuk’25Chair, Academic Senate
Brian Nguyen ASI President or designee
Robert Avalos VP University Advancement
Claudio Lindow VP Administration & CFO
Berenecea Eanes University President


Suzanne Regan’25Nominations Com (A&L)
Minyoung Noh’25Nominations Com (B&E)
Jennifer Weyman (V-Ch)’26Nominations Com (COE)
David Krum’26Nominations Com (ECST)
Anureet Kaur (Ch)'25Nominations Com (HHS)
Xian Gao'26Nominations Com (NSS)
Katie Perry’26Nominations Com (LSA)
Tarisi Vunidilo’25Nominations Com (CoES)
__________________’25Student Representative
__________________’25Student Representative
__________________’25Student Representative
Emily Acevedo Presidential Appt (Exec Secy)
__________________ Presidential Appointee, Ex Off
__________________ Communications/Public Affairs
Maria Ubago Alumni Relations
James Cuaresma University Events Protocol
Chelsey Seely Registrar

Anika Sarin’28Arts & Letters
Stefan Keslacy’25Health & Human Services
Chuck Flores’26Education
Bingbing Wang’28Business & Economics
Adityaram Natakarani'25Student Representative
__________________'25Student Representative
__________________’25Student Representative
__________________ Univ Development Bd Desg
__________________ Alumni Board Designee
__________________ VP Student Life/Desg
George Crocker (Ch) Faculty Athletics Representative
Daryl Gross Executive Athletics Director

Chandan Suresh'25Nominations Committee
Seongwon Choi’25Nominations Committee
___________________’24Student Representative
___________________’24Student Representative
___________________ Presidential Appointee

Amy Bippus Provost & VPAA or Designee
Claudio Lindow VPAF or Designee (Exec Secy)
Robert Avalos VP University Advancement
___________________ VP Div, Equity & Incl or Desg
___________________ VP Student Life or Designee
Berhanu Tadesse Interim VPITS or Designee
__________________ AVP Comm & Public Affairs
__________________ Chair, Academic Senate or Desg
__________________ Chair (F’23), Fiscal Plcy Comm
Joanna Zhao’24Nominations Committee
__________________ ASI President or Designee
Ron Vogel College Dean/Pres Appt
__________________ Non-Acad Admin/Pres Appt
Carlos Beltran AVPAF/Financial Services

Nidavone Niravanh University Risk Manager
Richard Brennan Health & Safety Coordinator
Tanyi Obenson Chem/Radiation Safety Officer
Andrew Wilson Hazard Matrl Tech & Biol Safety Off
__________________ Worker’s Comp Liability Mgr
__________________ Public Safety Appointee
Henry Wisniewski Auxiliary Services, Inc Appt
Manveen Kaur’26Nominations Committee
__________________’25Student Representative
__________________ Info Tech Support Appointee
Michael Murray Dir Facilities Services Appoint
__________________ Facilities Plan & Const Appt
Matthew Warren Student Health Center

Appointee Representatives of Bargaining Units 1 to 9

Emily Acevedo Provost & VPAA or Designee
Michael Murray Dir. of  Facilities Services
Joni Shimotsu VPAF Appointee
Jason Solis VPITS Appointee
Betty Kennedy VP for Student Life Appointee
Maria Magolske VPIA Appointee
Steven Frenda’25Nominations Committee
Minyoung Noh’26Nominations Committee

Dion Vines'25Student Representative
__________________'25Student Representative
__________________'25Student Representative
__________________'25Staff Representative
__________________'25Staff Representative
__________________'25Staff Representative
May Fu’25Nominations Committee
Leila Ricci’25Nominations Committee
Cynthia Wang'25Nominations Committee
Frangelo Ayran (Ch) Presidential Appointee

President Berenecea Eanes Board President’s Designee
Claudio Lindow VP Administration & CFO
Hengchum Ye  AVP of Research
Carlos Beltran Assoc VP for Adm. Finance
Patrick Day Presidential Appointee  
Tye Jackson Presidential Appointee
Dale S. Zuehls Director
Arwa Hammad Director
Caitlin Calica (CJ) Director
Ya-Chih  “Jilly” Chang'26Nominations Committee
Jim Kuo'27Nominations Committee
Andre Avramchuk Chair, Academic Senate or Des
Yahir Flores ASI President
Annie Ekshian Staff Director Rep
Tina Mueller Staff Director Rep
___________________ Student Representative
___________________ Student Representative

____________________'25Student Representative
____________________'25Student Representative
____________________'25Student Representative
____________________'25Student Representative
____________________'25Student Representative
____________________'25Student Representative
____________________’25Student Representative
Anika Sarin’25Nominations Committee
Michael Runnels’25Nominations Committee
Arnold Geffner Alumnus
Ronnie Wills VP&CFO Admin&Fin Desg
Ron Vogel President or Designee
Patrick Day VP of Student Life
Blanca Martinez-Navaro AVP Std Life & Dean of Stds
Joseph Sedlacek Staff Representative
Stephen Fleischer USU Executive Director
Tariq Marji Director UAS Inc or Rep
Barnaby Peake ASI General Manager
____________________ ASI BOD Rep President

Michelle Hawley Provost or Designee, Ex Off
____________________ Student Conduct Officer, Ex Off
Robert Alcaraz’26Arts & Letters
Joanna Zhao'26Business & Economics
Anna Osipova'26Education
Corey Bowen'26Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech
____________________’26Ethnic Studies
Beth Hoffman’25Health & Human Services
Birte Pfleger’25Natural & Social Sciences
Christopher Harris’26At-Large Member
Heidi Riggio’25At-Large Member
Rikka Tagayuan Student Representative
Lori Krekorian Student Representative
Dion Vines Student Representative
Arwa Hammad Student Representative

Amy Bippus Provost and VPAA
____________________ Chief Info Officer & Assoc VP
Robert Avalos VP for University Advancement
Claudio Lindow VP for Administration and CFO
Andre Ellis VP Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
____________________ VP for Student Life
Ron Vogel Dean/Central Academic Admin.
Andre Avramchuk’27Academic Senate Chair or Desg
Anika Sarin’27Arts & Letters
Ellen Drost’25Business & Economics
__________________’26Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech
Gabriela Simon-Cereijido'26Health & Human Services
Choi Chatterjee'27Natural & Social Sciences
Azalea Camacho’26Library & Student Affairs
__________________'27Ethnic Studies
__________________'27ASI President or Designee
Marjani Chidinma Presidential Apt-Alumni
Barnaby Peake ASI General Manager
Jimmy Solis Presidential Appointee-Staff
Sunny Moon Ad Hoc Staff Reqsted by Comm.
__________________ Executive Committee Liaison
__________________ PaGE Representative

Patrick Sharp Arts & Letters
____________________ Business & Economics
____________________ Education
Mohsen Eshraghi Engr, Comp Sci, & Tech
Valerie Talavera-Bustillos Ethnic Studies
Kathleen Hinoki Health & Human Services
Edith Porter Natural & Social Sciences
Azalea Camacho Library & Student Affairs
_________________ Chair Representative, ECST
Beth Baker Chair Representative, NSS

Elizabeth Heise AVP Faculty Affairs
____________________ Procurement & Contracts
____________________ Director of Academic Tech
Gonzalo Centeno Director, Off Stds w Disabilities
Jessica Dennis Exec Comm of Senate Designee
Stephen Fleischer Exec Dir Univ-Student Union
Leon McNaught ATI Program Manager
Karen Melick Dir Technical Projects & Compl
____________________ Unit 1 Representative
Gilbert Garcia Units 2, 5, 7 & 9 Representative
Veronica Carrero Unit 4 Representative
____________________ Unit 6 Representative
____________________ Unit 8 Representative
Yilin Feng'25Unit 3 Representative
Marla Peppers Associate University Librarian
Susan Varela AVP Human Resources Mgmt
____________________ ASI President’s Designee
Rikka Tagayuna ASI Undergrad Student Designee
____________________ ASI Graduate Student Designee