Animal Care
As you start to explore careers, you will find that certain jobs require experience or a license. One example is a career in Animal Care. Jobs like Veterinary Technician, Dr. of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Assistant.
- Animal Care job salaries with the City of Los Angeles range from $48,483 to $70,866. Also, government jobs like this have excellent benefits.
- Veterinarians have a Ph.D and salaries start around $100,000. You would transfer to a UC or CSU into a Ph.D. program.
- Registered Veterinary Technicians (RVT) start at around $40,000. One option; take courses at Mt SAC, that prepare you to take the California license exam. This is the least expensive option, since it will cost you about $46 per unit, or $2300 over two years.
Volunteer. If you are seeking a career as a Veterinary Technician, you will need experience with animals, and much of that can be gained through volunteering. When you are seeking a job, you will want to have experience working/volunteering with exotic animals. Start volunteering now by filling out an application at: Keeper/Animal Care Volunteers - Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens (LA Zoo). Volunteer opportunities lead to paid opportunities, which lead to permanent careers.