Samantha Solis

Headshot of Samantha Solis

Assistant to the director

Samantha Solis, serving as the Administrative Support Assistant at the Honors College, perfectly blends her academic background in Television, Film, & Media Studies with her ongoing pursuit of a Master’s in Business Administration at CalStateLA. Far more than just an assistant, Samantha is a cornerstone for student success, mentoring and inspiring them on their journey toward graduation. Her fervor for filmmaking and storytelling enriches not only her professional approach but also her personal life, where she enjoys indie films, hiking, and photography. This unique combination of creative passion and administrative skill makes Samantha a vital and dynamic presence in the Honors College, offering both administrative support and a source of creative inspiration for students and colleagues alike.  


If you could be any fictional character for a week, who would you choose and why?

"If I could be any character, I'd choose Princess Leia from Star Wars. She's smart, courageous, and a real leader. Plus, imagine zipping through space in the Millennium Falcon!" 

What's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done, and how did it turn out?

"I once decided to go skydiving on a whim. It was both breathtaking and a bit scary, and landing was pretty rough, haha."

What's your go-to comfort food or guilty pleasure snack?

"Mac and cheese is definitely my favorite comfort food. It's like a warm hug in a bowl, always cheers me up."

Share a favorite movie or book that never fails to lift your spirits.

"Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back is my top movie pick. It's not just an amazing film; it's also cool that Leigh Brackett, a talented woman, wrote the original script." 

What has been the most fulfilling part of working at the honors college so far?

"As the coordinator for the program at the Honors College, I've found immense fulfillment in various aspects of my role. One of the most gratifying aspects has been witnessing the profound impact our program has on our students' academic and personal growth.

Every day, I have the privilege of working closely with our students, guiding them through their academic journey, and watching them flourish into well-rounded individuals. It's incredibly rewarding to see them embrace challenges, expand their intellectual horizons, and develop into critical thinkers and leaders.

Moreover, being part of a dynamic and supportive community dedicated to excellence in education has been deeply inspiring. Collaborating with passionate colleagues who share a commitment to nurturing students' potential and fostering a culture of academic excellence has been both fulfilling and motivating.

Beyond academic pursuits, our program offers students a myriad of opportunities for personal and professional development, including research projects, community engagement initiatives, and experiential learning experiences. Witnessing our students seize these opportunities, push boundaries, and make meaningful contributions to their communities fills me with pride and satisfaction.

Additionally, seeing our graduates go on to achieve success in their chosen fields and make a positive impact on the world reinforces the significance of our work at the Honors College. Knowing that we've played a part in shaping the future leaders, innovators, and change-makers of tomorrow is incredibly fulfilling and humbling.

In essence, working at the Honors College as the program coordinator has been a deeply fulfilling experience. It's a privilege to be part of a community that values academic excellence, personal growth, and the pursuit of knowledge, and I look forward to continuing to make a positive difference in the lives of our students."