Commencement stoles


Graduating students participating in the Commencement ceremonies must wear the appropriate academic attire. Regalia represents the three principal levels of academic achievement at Cal State LA: bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. 

Please make sure to click on all the sections below to get more information about regalia and other Commencement related merchandise and services.

Academic Regalia

Cal State LA Bachelor's Regalia

Black cap (mortarboard), black bachelor's degree gown, and black tassel

  • Bachelor's degree candidates wear a black mortarboard (cap) with black tassel with the current academic year charm. The black tassel reflects the primary University color. The Commemorative black and golden rod yellow tassel, sold at the University Bookstore, can also be worn.
  • The black bachelor's degree gowns have bell shaped sleeves.
  • For bachelor’s degree candidates, the tassel should be worn on the right side. Once the bachelor's degrees are conferred during Commencement, the tassel will be turned to the left side signifying the completion of the first degree.


Bachelor's Degree Regalia bundle
Black cap (mortarboard), black bachelor's degree gown, and black tassel with 2025 charm: $63.98 +tax

Accessories that can be purchased separately
Black tassel: $10.98 + Tax
Black and Gold tassel: $10.98 + tax
Cap (only): $12.98 + Tax

Bachelor's and master's degree regalia will be available for purchase at the University Bookstore during the dates listed below:

  • In-person: March 27, 2025, until Commencement
  • Online: April 1, 2025, until May 9, 2025

In addition, the University Bookstore will have a satellite location at the Shrine Auditorium Lobby, on May 19, 20, and 21, 2025.

For more information, please visit the University Bookstore website or contact 323-343-2500. You can also follow the bookstore’s Instagram page to get the most up-to-date information, including store hours.

University Bookstore

Cal State LA Master's Regalia

Black cap (mortarboard), black master's degree gown, black tassel, and Master's hood associated with degree.

  • Master's degree candidates wear the same black mortarboard (cap) with black tassel with the current academic year charm as the bachelor's degree candidates. The black tassel reflects the primary University color. The Commemorative black and golden rod yellow tassel, sold at the University Bookstore, can also be worn.
  • The black master's degree gowns have longer extended sleeves.
  • The master’s degree hood when folded have a bottom panel similar to the sleeve of the gown.
  • The master’s hood represents the degree granting institution, and the specific degree earned.
  • Hoods for Cal State LA are distinguished by a black and golden rod yellow lining (official University colors). The outside velvet band color around the hood designates the specific academic major or discipline (see list below).
  • For master’s degree candidates, the tassel should already be worn on the left side since they have already earned their first degree.


Master's Degree bundle
Black cap (mortarboard), black master's degree gown, and black tassel
with 2025 charm: $66.98 + Tax

Master's hood: $52.98 + Tax
Hoods are required for the ceremony. The hood color is associated with the degree you are receiving. Please see below.

Bachelor's and master's degree regalia will be available for purchase at the University Bookstore during the dates listed below:

  • In-person: March 27, 2025, until Commencement
  • Online: April 1, 2025, until May 9, 2025

In addition, the University Bookstore will have a satellite location at the Shrine Auditorium Lobby, on May 19, 20, and 21, 2025.

For more information, please visit the University Bookstore website or contact 323-343-2500. You can also follow the bookstore’s Instagram page to get the most up-to-date information, including store hours.

University Bookstore


Masters Hood - White

Arts, Letters, Humanities | White
Master of Arts in Art
                  Master of Arts in Communication Studies
                  Master of Arts in English
                  Master of Arts in Spanish
                  Master of Arts in Television, Film, and Media Studies
                  Master of Arts in Theatre Arts

Masters Hood - Taupe

 Business Administration | Taupe
 Master of Business Administration
                   Master of Science in Accounting
                   Master of Science in Business Administration
                   Master of Science in Healthcare Management
                   Master of Science in Information Systems

Masters Hood - Copper

Economics | Copper
Master of Arts in Economics

Masters Hood - Light Blue

Education | Light Blue
Master of Arts in Education
                  Master of Arts in Educational Administration
                  Master of Arts in Educational Technology
                  Master of Arts in Special Education
                  Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
                  Master of Science in Counseling

Masters Hood - Orange

Engineering | Orange
Master of Arts in Industrial and Technical Studies
                  Master of Science in Civil Engineering
                  Master of Science in Computer Science
                  Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
                  Master of Science in Industrial Management
                  Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering
                  Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Masters Hood - Brown

Fine Arts | Brown
Master of Fine Arts in Art
                  Master of Fine Arts in Television, Film, and Theatre

Masters Hood - Pink

Music | Pink
Master of Arts in Music
                  Master of Music

Masters Hood - Apricot

Nursing | Apricot
Master of Science in Nursing

Masters Hood - Royal Blue

Philosophy | Dark Blue (Royal)
Master of Arts in Philosophy

Masters Hood - Sage Green

Physical Education | Sage Green
Master of Science in Kinesiology

Masters Hood - Peacock Blue

Public Administration | Peacock Blue
Master of Public Administration

Masters Hood - Salmon

Public Health | Salmon
Master of Public Health

Masters Hood - Yellow

Science | Golden Yellow
Master of Science in Biology
                  Master of Science in Chemistry
                  Master of Science in Criminalistics
                  Master of Science in Environmental Science
                  Master of Science in Geological Science
                  Master of Science in Mathematics
                  Master of Science in Nutritional Science
                  Master of Science in Physics

Masters Hood - Cream

Social Science | Cream
Master of Arts in Anthropology
                  Master of Arts in Chicana(o) and Latina(o) Studies
                  Master of Arts in Child Development
                  Master of Arts in Communicative Disorders
                  Master of Arts in Geography
                  Master of Arts in History
                  Master of Arts in Latin American Studies
                  Master of Arts in Political Science
                  Master of Arts in Psychology
                  Master of Arts in Sociology

Masters Hood - Citron

Social Work | Citron
Master of Social Work

Cal State LA Doctoral Regalia

Black tam with gold tassel, black doctoral degree robe, and doctoral hood associated with academic discipline.

  • Doctoral degree candidates wear a black tam with gold tassel.
  • The black doctoral degree robes have a black velvet panel running down the middle front. The robe also have three black velvet chevrons on each sleeve.
  • The doctoral degree hood when folded have two panels at the bottom.
  • The doctoral hood represents the degree granting institution, and the specific degree earned.
  • Hoods for Cal State LA are distinguished by a black and golden rod yellow lining (official University colors). The outside velvet band is wider compared to a master’s degree hood, and have "panels" at the sides of the hood that lie cape-like across the back. The color around the hood correspond to the academic degree program (please see list below).
  • For doctoral degree candidates, the tassel should already be worn on the left side since they have already earned their first degree.


Doctoral regalia must be preordered, by the dates listed below, through the University Bookstore's regalia vendor, Oak Hall, by completing the doctoral degree regalia order form.  Hoods are required for the ceremony. The hood color is associated with the degree you are receiving. 

Doctoral Regalia Order Deadline:

Fine quality robe, hood, tam/tassel by March 16, 2025
Regular souvenir robe, hood, tam/tassel by April 25, 2025

Doctoral Degree Regalia Order Form


Doctoral Hood - Dark Blue

Philosophy | Dark Blue
Doctor of Philosophy in Special Education

Doctoral Hood - Light Blue

Education | Light Blue
Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership

Doctoral Hood - Apricot

Nursing | Apricot
Doctor of Nursing Practice

Doctoral Hood - Rhodes Blue

Audiology | Rhodes Blue
Doctor of Audiology

Merchandise and Services

Here is a list of items that can be purchased at the University Bookstore:

  • Regalia (more information below)
  • Cal State LA Sash
  • Diploma frames
  • Announcements
  • Class rings
  • Other Commencement related merchandise


Monday - Thursday | 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday | 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday | Closed

During Commencement, the University Bookstore will have a satellite location at the Shrine Auditorium Lobby, on May 19, 20, and 21, 2025.

For more information, please visit the University Bookstore website or contact 323-343-2500. You can also follow the bookstore’s Instagram page to get the most up-to-date information, including store hours.

University Bookstore

Bachelor's and master's degree regalia will be available for purchase at the University Bookstore during the dates listed below:

  • In-person: March 27, 2025, until Commencement
  • Online: April 1, 2025, until May 9, 2025

Doctoral regalia must be preordered, by the dates listed below, through the University Bookstore's regalia vendor, Oak Hall, by completing the doctoral degree regalia order form.  Hoods are required for the ceremony. The hood color is associated with the degree you are receiving.

Doctoral Regalia Order Deadline:

Fine quality robe, hood, tam/tassel by March 16, 2025
Regular souvenir robe, hood, tam/tassel by April 25, 2025

Doctoral Degree Regalia Order Form

The following are Commencement-related attire that are not official regalia but can be worn during Commencement.

  • Honor Cords (if applicable)
  • Veterans Cord (if applicable)
  • Donor Cords (if applicable)
  • University sashes / stoles*
  • Medals and awards from their academic department (if applicable)
  • Traditional tribal regalia or recognized objects of religious or cultural significance as an adornment
  • Military uniform (underneath the academic gown only)

* Item can be purchased at the University Bookstore.

Sashes/stoles are not official regalia but can be worn during Commencement. When ordering a custom sash or stole, please make sure the official name or approved nicknames are used for the University:

California State University, Los Angeles
Cal State LA (no periods in the abbreviation for LA)
Cal State Los Angeles

You can order through:

Pride Sash

The Commencement Group is the official flower vendor for the Cal State LA Commencement ceremonies. You can preorder flowers and they will be available to be picked up at the Shrine Auditorium on May 19, 20, and 21, 2025.

Pre-Order Page

Grad Images, the official Commencement photography company, will be at Cal State LA in March (during Grad Fair), April, and May providing graduation portraits services (coming soon). 

For questions about graduation portraits, please contact the Cal State LA Alumni Association at [email protected] or at (323) 343-2586.

California State University, Los Angeles | Commencement
All information, including dates and activities, are subject to change.
Updated: February 4, 2025

Commencement at Cal State LA will be photographed and/or recorded. By attending the ceremonies, you agree and grant irrevocable permission to have your likeness, image, voice, and appearance photographed and recorded for any University business-related purpose and that the CSU owns the images and all rights related to them. The images may be used in any manner or media without notifying you, such as university-sponsored websites, publications, promotions, broadcasts, advertisements, posters and theater slides, as well as for non-university uses. You waive any right to inspect or approve the finished images or any printed or electronic matter that may be used with them.