The College of Business and Economics hosted the Meet the Firms on Thursday, September 26, 2024, in collaboration with Beta Alpha Psi and the Accounting Society. It allowed students to connect with leading firms across the Los Angeles metro area and surrounding states to explore career opportunities and network with industry professionals.
Before the event, CBE had 177 students registered on Handshake, with an estimated 278 in attendance. Handshake is a job site for Cal State LA college students and recent grads, similar to LinkedIn, where employers can post jobs and events. The jobs vary from on-campus, off-site, internships, events, and job fairs throughout Cal State LA and the Los Angeles region.
Not only did Meet the Firms bring recruiters, but alums currently employed at various companies were also in attendance. Abdulazeem O. Falola, an accounting major, VITA member, and current intern at the IRS, said, “I wanted to attend the Meet the Firms to be a familiar face for my fellow counterparts and advocate for them to apply.” Fellow recruiters in attendance were EY, IRS, Moss Adams, UCLA (Health), Entertainment Partners, Franchise Tax Board, CA Public Utilities Commission, Toyota and many more.

College of Business and Economics and Vita student Abdulazeem O. Falola
The 2024 Planning Committee for 2024 Meet the Firms consisted of Joseph Ponce, the President of the Beta Alpha Psi; Oo Lee, Vice President of Beta Alpha Psi; Niki Mei, the Co-President of the Accounting Society and Zeidy Cabrera, the CBE Career Placement Coordinator. The student organizations worked closely with Zeidy throughout the summer and the beginning of the fall semester to ensure everything was carefully thought out.
With new student executive members joining the club and planning committee, Zeidy allowed the student executives to lead the path. She offered suggestions and delegated tasks once individuals’ strengths were identified. Joseph Ponce and Oo Lee oversaw financials, campaigns, and name tags, Niki Mei covered the design elements, and Zeidy Cabrera contacted recruiters and created the registration event on Handshake, which helped streamline to make the event more efficient.

Transitioning to Handshake, the premiere Cal State LA communication for students seeking employment, was a huge benefit; Joseph Ponce stated, “It pushed students to join, taking advantage of the $5 entrance fee before Sept 2nd increase to $10. It boosted sales while also exposing students to another opportunity on campus”. Niki Mei, Co-President of the Accounting Society, states that “creating a general timeline of what needs to be done” helps facilitate and delegate tasks.
This year Meet the Firms saw an increase of 25% in student attendance; our belief is due to the incorporation of a Handshake; Joseph Ponce, President of Beta Alpha Psi, professes, “Handshake afforded us an opportunity to keep track and register employers and students.” This increase in participation reflected the growing interest among students and the event’s reputation as a key networking opportunity.

We hope students walk away with resources and knowledge to apply to respective firms and tools that will empower them. Niki and Joseph hope students gain the confidence and the tools they need to make a lasting impression on employers. For students seeking more information, Beta Alpha Psi and Accounting are a great place to build a network, gain insights from speakers, get tips on securing internships, and excel in the interview.
Zeidy Cabrera recommends that students perfect an elevator pitch: “Always remember the 3Ws (Where I am, Where I’ve been, and Where I want to be).” For example, a student might say, “I’m currently a junior majoring in accounting, with internships at XYZ company, and I’m looking to apply my analytical skills in a full-time role after graduation.”
Students should be authentic, own their narrative, be intentional, let their resume speak for itself, and, lastly, practice. The speech is all about you. It’s a way for students to share their expertise and credentials quickly and effectively with people who don’t know them; Zeidy advises students when presenting themselves to employers.
For students, we encourage you always to ask questions at the end of your interview, “What is the company culture like? Can you tell me more about the department or team I will be working with? Do you provide professional development opportunities?”.
With the success of the 2024 Meet the Firms, the College of Business and Economics is beginning to plan and expand for the much-anticipated Spring 2025 Career Fair. The spring 2025 Career Fair welcomes recruiters from respective businesses and organizations for all College of Business and Economics students. The college took a similar approach with the Meet the Firms this year. As in the past, the event was aimed only at accounting and finance majors.
Leading up to the 2025 Career Fair, we will offer resume workshops to prepare for the Career Fair. We encourage students to follow the College of Business and Economics, Instagram, and LinkedIn accounts. Following these pages will keep students informed and connect them to valuable opportunities that can shape their future careers.