Upward Bound | College Transition

College Transition

Use the following links and worksheet to make a successful transition to college.

Missing media item.

Send your ACT scores to a college or scholarship.


Missing media item.

Send your SAT scores to a college or scholarship.


Missing media item.

Get your financial aid PIN.


Missing media item.

Apply for scholarships.

College Check List

  1. Choose College
  2. Register/Take SAT
  3. Ask for Letters of Recommendation
  4. Fill out College Applications
  5. Essays/Personal Statements/Additional Writing Prompts
  6. Complete Application Fee Waivers
  7. Send Official Transcripts and SAT/ACT Scores via Registrars Office
  8. Contact Colleges to make sure all application materials were received.
  9. Select and Apply to Scholarships (September – November)
  10. FAFSA (January)
    1. Apply for Student Pin
    2. Apply for Parent Pin
    3. Collect Parent Income Tax Forms
    4. Attend FAFSA Orientation

You're Accepted! Now What?

  1. Confirm your acceptance with college
  2. Create online profile at your college
  3. Turn in a copy of your acceptance letter to Upward Bound
  4. Submit Username and Password of college profile to Upward Bound
  5. Make sure FAFSA is complete and received at your college
  6. Submit all outstanding financial aid documents
  7. Sign up for student support services
  8. Pay for registration and housing fees
  9. Choose housing and food plan
  10. Register for classes
  11. Take/submit MPT scores
  12. Accept Financial Aid
  13. Confirm scholarships will be sent to your college
  14. Confirm: class schedule, housing (move in date?) text books, class fee