American Institutions (Government)

Criteria for Evaluating American Institutions (Government) GE Course Proposals

In general, course proposals for courses submitted as satisfying specific general education requirements must provide:

  • Clear evidence that student learning outcomes specific to the block or GE Requirement are being taught and assessed
  • Course content in outline that demonstrates adequate time devoted to teaching and assessing the outcomes
  • Evidence of specific training, currency and/or experience in the basic intellectual and pedagogic competencies in the specific block or designated area

American Institutions Subject Matter Elements

Proposal clearly demonstrates that the course addresses

  • The political philosophies of the framers of the Constitution and the nature and operation of United States political institutions and processes under that constitution as amended and interpreted
  • The rights and obligations of citizens in the political system established under the constitution
  • The constitution of the state of California within the framework of evolution of federal-state relations and the nature and processes of state and local government under that constitution
  • Contemporary relationships of state and local government with the federal government, the resolution of conflicts and the establishment of cooperative processes under the constitutions of both the state and nation, and the political processes involved

If the response to any of the AI subject matter elements above is No, the course will be returned unapproved.

Block or GE Requirement Student Learning Outcomes

Proposal clearly demonstrates that student learning outcomes are being taught and assessed sufficiently

  • Demonstrate civic literacy that would enable them to participate effectively in a democratic society, including an understanding of the requirements of democratic citizenship.
  • Use inquiry processes, including qualitative reasoning and critical thinking to engage with contemporary and enduring questions regarding United States institutions and government.
  • Demonstrate understanding of ethical principles and values that have shaped United States institutions and ideals throughout the history of the United States and its government.
  • Demonstrate understanding of United States institutions and ideals within the context of a changing and diverse society, including the impact of government on the introduction and evolution of various cultures and institutions in the United States and the effect of new cultures and institutions on the structures and policies of federal and state government.
  • Demonstrate understanding of Americans’ and Californians’ political behavior within the frameworks established by the United States and California Constitutions.
  • Understand the effects of historical, technological and economic changes on government and the effects of governmental policy on technological and economic change.

Implementation and Assessment

Proposal or supplemental materials provide evidence of

  • Specific training, currency and/or experience in the basic intellectual and pedagogic competencies in the specific block or designated area