College of Engeering, Computer Science, and Technology
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Office Location: ET A305
Phone: 323-343-5927
Email: [email protected]
Since 2008 we have been integrating Collaborative Project Based Learning into computer engineering courses.
I have been a faculty member of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cal State LA for twenty-two years at Cal State LA. I am dedicated to improving STEM education and outreach, particularly for underrepresented minorities. I have been actively involved in academic governance, and am the Immediate Past Chair of the Academic Senate. I am currently serving as the Interim Department Chair of the Mechanical Engineering Department.
I have developed and taught a broad range of computer engineering courses and since 2000 has co-developed curriculum for training biologists and computer scientists in the field of bioinformatics. With Dr. Jianyu Dong I have published widely on collaborative project based learning, an active learning strategy designed to help students persist and succeed in engineering. As director of the IMPACT LA NSF GK-12 Program from 2008-2014, I collaborated with other colleagues in the College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology to promote STEM by teaching graduate students how to communicate their research to a broad audience and by providing a wide-range of opportunities for local middle and high school students to explore science and engineering careers.
I earned my BS in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University and an MS and PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Embedded System Programming I
Embedded system programming with C programming language; software design and testing; introduction to data structures and algorithms; introduction to embedded systems and input/output interfacing; application of numerical techniques.
coming soon