Big Data Classes

Intro To Big Data Science


                      CIS5560 Introduction To Big Data Science                      

apache spark logo

Instructor: Dr. Jongwook Woo 

This Big Data Science class is to learn practical knowledge of Big Data and Data Science and to study how to process, store, analyze, and predict Big Data generated from IoT, bio, social media, web logs, financial data, marketing data, etc for predictive analysis. You will learn how to adopt traditional and Big Data predictive analysis using machine learning algorithms with the PySpark ML example using Databricks Community Edition and Hadoop clusters in the labs

Intro To Big Data

Fall and Spring

CIS4560 (CIS5200) Introduction To Big Data in Cloud Computing

hadoop logo

Instructor: Dr. Jongwook Woo 

This Big Data class is to provide the student with a detailed understanding of Cloud Computing and its Big Data services. The students can understand the genesis of Distributed Parallel Computing Systesm, Data Intensive Computing, Big Data Systems, so called Hadoop. Besides, students will see how the large scale data set can be stored and computed in Hadoop and Cloud Computing systems and demonstrate knowledge of Big Data Architecture (Object/Block Storage, HDFS, MapReduce).  With the weekly lecture and lab, the students learn data engineering, data analysis, modeling and visualization in Big Data systems using Hadoop Ecosystems - Hive, Pig, Sqoop - and BI tools (Power BI, Excel Power Map, Qlik, Tableau), which can be implemented using Oracle Cloud Big Data Compute Edition, AWS, Azure, IBM Cloud.


Meeting Time:


Class Location:


Instr. Phone:

(323) 343-2916

Instr. Office:



Jongwook Woo, Big Data, HiPIC, Spark, Hadoop, Hive, Data Science, Big Data Artist

[email protected]

Office Hours


Prof Jongwook Woo appreciates the support of the Academic Educational Partnership and Services from Oracle, AWS, IBM Cloud, Azure to provide Big Data computing services.