CSET Workshops at Cal State LA and other CSU:
CSET Workshops (F2F and Zoom)
March 3
March 18
April 8
April 15
April 22
April 29
Please contact workshop instructor Mario Torres at [email protected] if you are interested. Note that students completing a math or science major at Cal State LA are WAIVED from having to take CSET. For waiver evaluation process, email your subject matter credential advisor.
Free, Online, and Interactive Mathematics and Science CSET Review Courses/Workshops
This summer and fall, FRESNO STATE Mathematics and Science Teacher Initiative (MSTI), with support from the San Joaquin Valley Mathematics Project, is offering free, online, and interactive workshops and courses designed to review the content assessed on the Single Subject Mathematics and Science CSET subtests. Instructors provide participants with course materials as well as links to the recording of each class session for additional review.
The CSET Science Saturday Series begins Saturday (June 3, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) with three experienced science educators providing a review of the topics assessed on the General Science CSET (215).
The CSET Mathematics Subtest I content review by Dr. Stefaan Delcroix begins on June 26, and the Subtest II review commences on July 10. Each series consists of eight classes, 5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. daily. We plan to sponsor a Subtest III review in the spring as we did during spring semester 2023.
To register for any of these workshops/courses, visit https://bit.ly/MSTI-Registration (The form includes fall dates as well.) The full announcement is available here: https://bit.ly/MSTI-Fresno-CSET23-24
This summer, CSU Northridge will be offering Online CSET-Prep workshops to help prepare teachers to pass the following CSET Exams:
FALL 2023