The Fall 2016 Emeriti Luncheon was held on September 16, 2016, in the Golden Eagle Ballroom on campus. A highlight of this event was the award of the 2016-17 academic year's Emeriti Fellowships to 14 outstanding student recepients. Guest speaker during the event was Dr. Raphael J. Sonenshein, Executive Director, Pat Brown Institute for Public Affairs, CSULA who spoke on "Election 2016: The Wild Ride". Some photos taken during the event follow: (Photographs by Dr. John A. Kirchner, Emeritus Professor of Geogaphy and Transportation)
(L to R) Harold Cohen, Diane Vernon, Val Margaziotis, Rosemarie Marshall-Holt, Jean Adenika
Harold Cohen, Rosemarie Marshall-Holt
Rosemarie Marshall-Holt, Darlene Aguilar
Hildebrando Villarreal, Dick Keyes
Charley Hoult, Janet Fisher-Hoult
Diane Vernon, Janet Fisher-Hoult
Dr. Clarence "Curly" Johnson; Dr. Sharon Johnson, Donna Cleman, Ron Song
Diane Vernon, Bill Taylor
Jean Adenika, Neda Fabris
Marshall Cates
John Cleman, Dorothy Keane, Darlene Aguilar, Stanley Burstein
Charley Hoult, Janet Fisher-Hoult
Stanley Burstein, John Cleman, President William Covino, Dorothy Keane
President William Covino, Joe Casanova, Jim Garrett, Alison McCurdy
Val Margaziotis, Marty Epstein, Harold Cohen
Jose Galvan, Siegrun Freyss
Harold Cohen, Stanley Burstein
Dr. Clarence "Curly" Johnson, Kathy Reilly, Dr. Sharon Johnson
Don Dewey, Carlos Rodriguez
David Shipko, Jim Garrett, Martin Huld
Alison McCurdy, Dick Keyes
Dimitri Margaziotis, Erin Uhlfelder, Bill Taylor
Marilyn Friedman
Ellen Stein, Dimitri Margaziotis
Jim Garrett, Cecilia Fang, Martin Huld
Jose Galvan, Alfredo Gonzalez
Carlos Rodriguez, Maria Magolske
Rennie Schoepflin
Janet Fisher-Hoult, John Cleman, Ted Crovello
President William Covino, Alfredo Conzalez, David Shipko, Cecilia Fang, Amalia Castaneda, Lauren Copeland,
Erin Uhlfelder, Richard Nicolas, Raul Bravo, John Cleman
Dr. Raphael J. Sonenshein
Dr. Raphael J. Sonenshein