The Teaching and Learning with AI program introduces faculty to generative artificial intelligence and helps them re-imagine what teaching and class prep can look like in this new age. Faculty members will leave with a new or re-designed assignment that supports learning objectives for one of their classes within the context of AI. This program consists of five required components that can be completed in two to three semesters.
To complete the program and earn the certificate, faculty will:
- Complete an AI self-study program.
- Attend and participate in all three Faculty Learning Community book club meetings.
- Attend and participate in one additional AI workshop of your choice.
- Practice designing assignments in the age of AI by engaging in an AI play group.
- Create an AI-inclusive (or AI-resistant) assignment aligned with the learning outcomes in one of your classes.
Program Schedule
Complete one of the following programs of your choosing:
- Academic Applications of AI self-paced course faculty micro-credential
- ACUE quick study self-paced series
- AI Tools for Teaching and Learning 3-week online course
Faculty Book Club: Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning by Jose Antonio Bowen and C. Edward Watson
Attend each of the Fall 2024 book club meetings in-person:
- Friday, 2/28, 10:00-11:00am on Zoom
- Friday, 3/21, 10:00-11:00am on Zoom
- Friday, 4/11, 10:00-11:00am on Zoom
The book club will be offered again in Fall 2025.
Attend one of the following workshops of your choosing:
Reading and Writing with AI
- This workshop will return Fall 2025
Keeping up with AI
- Thursday, 1/30, 3:00-4:30pm on Zoom
- Wednesday, 3/5, 10:00-11:30am on Zoom
Assignment Design in the Age of AI
- Friday, 2/14, 10:00-11:00am on Zoom
- Wednesday, 4/9, 3:00-4:00pm on Zoom
Final program assignment after completing the previous program components.