Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning

Collage of academic journals

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)

California State University, Los Angeles faculty are serious about their teaching. In addition to well-established research agendas, many of our faculty are also publishing in the so-called Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, or SoTL. This area of inquiry asks meaningful questions about how students best learn in a college environment, especially our first-generation learners—now the college-going population in the United States.

Our faculty are curious about the factors that impact student persistence in the classroom and producing an increasing public body of knowledge that is helping to move our student graduation rate forward. Watch as we continue to grow this page.

Cal State LA Scholarship of Teaching & Learning References

Afary, Kamran. (2020). A narradrama approach to teaching communication. In Afary, K., & Fritz, A. M. (Eds)., Communication Research on Expressive Arts and Narrative: More than Words. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Ananth, Akila L., Michael Willard, & Denise C. Herz. (2019). A service learning partnership between Cal State LA and the Los Angeles County Probation Department: Making the case for civic professionalism. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 23(2), 117-130.

Bauch, Nicholas, & Christina Sheldon. (2014). Tacit information literacies in beginning college students: Research pedagogy in geography. Harvard Educational Review, 84(3), 403-423.

Beltz, Dwight, Robert A. Desharnais, Paul Narguizian, & Ji Y. Son. (2016). Comparing physical, virtual, and hybrid flipped labs for general education biology. Online Learning, 20(3), 228-243.

Chen, Pearl, Anthony Hernandez, & Jane Dong. (2015). Impact of collaborative project-based learning on self-efficacy of urban minority students in engineering. Journal of Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research, 11, 26-39.

Fisher, Kirsten, Claudia Kouyoumdjian, Bidhan Roy, Valerie Talavera-Bustillos, & Michael Willard. (2016). Building a culture of transparency. Peer Review, 18(2). Accessed from:

Ford, Bridget, Katherine Chilton, Christopher Endy, Michael Henderson, Brad A. Jones, & Ji Y. Son. (2020). Beyond big data: Teaching introductory U.S. history in the age of student success. The Journal of American History, 989-1011.

Fries, Laura, Ji Y. Son, Karen B. Givvin, & James W. Stigler. (2020). Practicing connections: A framework to guide instructional design for learning in complex domains. Educational Psychology Review.

Hendrata, Melisa, Eyob Demeke, & Suzanne McEvoy. (2020). The interplay of supplemental instruction and mathematics emporium in improving students' learning: A case study of a three-week intervention boot camp. The Journal of the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, 12(1), 4-10.

Lawson, Alyssa P., Caylor Davis, & Ji Y. Son. (2019). Not all flipped classes are the same: Using learning science to design flipped classrooms. Journal of Scholarship in Teaching and Learning, 19, 77-104.

Lawson, Alyssa P., & Eyob Demeke. (2021). Developmental math students' anxiety, mindset, and performance in algebra. The Journal of the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, 13(1), 51-58.

Lawson, Alyssa P., & Ji Y. Son. (2021). Priming students to calculate inhibits sense-making. Journal of Cognitive Science, 29, 41-69.

Magruder, Emily, Whitney Scott, Michael Willard, Kristina Ruiz-Mesa, & Stefanie Drew. (2019). Transparency to close opportunity gaps in the largest state system: A pilot experiment. In Winkelmes, M. A., Boye, A., & Tapp, S. (Eds)., Transparent Design in Higher Education and Leadership. Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Matsunaga, Sachiko. (2016). College students’ perceptions of online learning: Knowledge gain and course effectiveness. The Online Journal of Distance Education and eLearning, 4(2).

McGuire, Stephen J. J., Peter R. Reilly, Yang Zhang, Bahram Mahdavian, & Veena P. Prabhu. (2020). Teaching win-win negotiation skills to MBAs: A quasi-experimental examination of a social-exchange based pedagogical approach. Journal of Organizational Behavior Education, 13, 169-204.

Nuño, L., Dennis, D. and Bodoh-Creed, J., 2024. Innovative Pedagogy Through Big Data and ArcGIS: Perspectives on the Collaboration Among First-Generation Students, Nonprofits, and Open Data in Los Angeles.  Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, 16(2), p. Article 2.DOI:

Phan-Yamada, Tuyetdong. (2022, March 1). Active learning tools with GeoGebra and MyOpenMath [blog post].

Ramirez, Gerardo, Rebecca Covarrubias, Matthew Jackson, & Ji Y. Son. (2021). Making hidden resources visible in a minority serving college context. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 27(2), 256-268.

Roy, Bidhan. (2016). Towards a new critical literacy: Literature, community engagement and the global public good. Higher Learning Research Communications, 6(2).

Son, Ji Y., Adam B. Blake, Laura Fries, & James W. Stigler. (2021). Modeling first: Applying learning science to the teaching of introductory statistics. Journal of Statistics & Data Science Education.

Son, Ji Y., Paul Narguizian, Dwight Beltz, & Robert A. Desharnais. (2016). Comparing physical, virtual, and hybrid flipped labs for general education biology. Online Learning 20, 228-243. URN: EJ1113358

Son, Ji Y., & Mariela J. Rivas. (2016). Designing clicker questions to stimulate transfer. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology. Accessed from:

Srole, Carol, Christopher Endy, & Birte Pfleger. (2017). Active learning in history survey courses: The value of in-class peer mentoring. The History Teacher, 51(1), 89-102.

Stigler, James W., Ji Y. Son, Karen B. Givvin, Adam B. Blake, Laura Fries, Stacy T. Shaw, & Mary C. Tucker. (2020). The Better Book approach for education research and development. Teachers College Record, 122, 1-32.

Wang, Y. Curtis, Jim Kuo, He Shen, David E. Raymond, & Mathias J. Brieu. (2021, July). A human-centric engineering education model inspired from modern manufacturing processes. Paper presented at 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual Conference.

Wild, Mark. (2015). Incorporating service learning into a general education history course: An analogical model. History Teacher, 48, 641-666. Accessed from:

Wynants, Shelli A., & Jessica M. Dennis. (2018). Professional development in an online context: Opportunities and challenges from the voices of college faculty. Journal of Educators Online, 15, 15-28.

Wynants, Shelli A., & Jessica M. Dennis. (2017). Embracing diversity and accessibility: A mixed methods study of the impact of an online disability awareness program. Journal of Post-secondary Education and Disability, 30, 33-48.

Zhang, Icy (Yunyi), Karen B. Givvin, Jeffrey M. Sipple, Ji Y. Son, & James W. Stigler. (2021). Instructed hand movements affect students' learning of an abstract concept from video. Cognitive Science, 45(2), e12940.