Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the advising center located?

The Rongxiang Xu advising center is located in Fine Arts 235. We are located above the Dean’s office.

What are the hours that the front office is open?

Our front office is open Monday-Friday from 8:30 AM- 4 PM. Hours may vary based on university holidays.

Your advisor can help you to develop an educational plan, inform you of campus policies, refer you to additional campus resources, and can answer major specific questions.

Drop in advising does not require an appointment and is meant to answer quick, 15 minute questions. Advising appointments are scheduled in 30 minute increments and are meant for longer processes such as creating a plan for graduation, Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal forms, disqualification questions, and academic probation support.

When emailing your advisor, please include your CIN number and your specific questions. Try to be as concise and clear as possible. You may also include a call back number if you would like a return phone call.

Our advising center is open during winter and summer sessions. Hint: we are usually less busy during these times.

Advisors can make referrals to admission criteria for graduate school and career links. Our best advice is to seek career and graduate school advising from your faculty members (professors and/or chairs). Faculty are experts in their field and are able to provide information regarding a variety of careers and graduate school programs.

Yes. Students may obtain career counseling and job placement information from the Career Development Center, personal counseling from the Student Health Center, and tutoring and academic success training from the University Tutoring Center and University Writing Center. Students are strongly encouraged to make use of these excellent services. Campus Resources.

Academic probation occurs when a student’s GPA falls below the 2.0 university requirement. You are required to meet with an HHS Professional Advisor to ensure you are are equipped with the resources needed in order to succeed. We always recommend working with your advisor at the initial point of academic difficulty.

If you have questions regarding financial aid, please visit their website at /financialaid. HHS Professional Advisors are not trained to assist with financial aid questions or inquiries.