ECST S-Factor


College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology

Guidelines for Supervision (S-Factor) Assignments

DEADLINE: The deadline for submitting requests to the Department Chair for using earned or banked s-factor workload credit is normally the beginning of the previous semester, when the workload credit will be submitted for approval on the Department’s Faculty Workload Form. For example, to use the credit in a Spring semester, the workload request will be submitted the previous Fall semester during the workload planning period. The deadline for submitting requests for S-factor enrollment is the Friday of the first week of classes each semester. Requests must be submitted via the Department’s S-Factor Student Enrollment Request Form, and forwarded via email by the Chair to the Dean’s Office, no later than five working days prior to the ADD deadline each semester.

The College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology follows the university guidelines for S-factor courses, using the following processes.

  1. The College Dean will schedule class offerings that meet the needs of students within the College, subject to fiscal limitations and College enrollment targets.

  2. The units claimed by each faculty member for workload credit will be based on student headcount, and not the number of units or number of different S factor courses in which a student enrolls with that faculty member as the faculty of record. Thus, a faculty member will receive a workload credit of 0.5 units for each graduate student and 0.33 units for each undergraduate student (unless otherwise indicated on the approved course proposal) that a faculty member supervises in an approved S factor course each semester.

  3. The maximum number of units/academic year that any faculty member can claim as part of their workload is six semester units.

  4. Normally, the maximum number of semesters that a faculty member can claim S-factor for working with a specific student will be 2 semesters.

  5. FERP faculty may only be assigned S-factor courses as part of their regular term workload, because FERP faculty may not exceed the CalPERS permissible period of employment limit of a .50 timebase as described in Article 29.8 of the collective bargaining agreement. S-factor WTU banked in the three semesters prior to the beginning of the FERP program must be applied within one year per the University guidelines.