Vendor Related Information

Small Business (SB) Certification Requirements

In order for a small business to be eligible for certification, the small business must meet the following requirements:

  • Be independently owned and operated;
  • Not dominant in field of operation;
  • Principal office located in California;
  • Owners (officers, if a corporation) domiciled in California; and,
  • Including affiliates, be either,
    • A business with 100 or fewer employees; an average annual gross receipts of $15 million dollars or less, over the last three tax years;
    • A manufacturer* with 100 or fewer employees; or,
    • A micro business - a small business will automatically be designated as a micro business if gross annual receipts are less than $5 million dollars, or the small business is a manufacturer with 25 or fewer employees.

For Small Business Certification purposes, a manufacturer is a business that is both of the following:

  1. Primarily engaged in the chemical or mechanical transformation of raw materials or processed substances into new products.
  2. Classified between Codes 31 to 339999, inclusive, of the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) Manual, published by the United States Census Bureau, 2007 edition.

Department of General Services Small Business and DVBE Services maintains links for California Small Business and DVBE policy as well as providing certification services and other program administration resources.

Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (SB) Certification Requirements

For DVBE certification purposes, a "disabled veteran" is:

  • A veteran of the U.S. military, naval, or air service;
  • The veteran must have a service-connected disability of at least ten percent or more; and
  • The veteran must reside in California.

To be certified as a DVBE, your firm must meet the following requirements:

  • Your business must be at least 51 percent owned by one or more disabled veterans;
  • Your daily business operations must be managed and controlled by one or more disabled veterans
  • Your home office must be located in the U.S. (the home office cannot be a branch or subsidiary of a foreign corporation, foreign firm, or other foreign based business).
  • All existing and all new DVBE applicants must submit to the Office of Small Business and DVBE Services (OSDS) complete copies of the DVBE's federal income tax returns for the previous three years. DVBEs who have been in business for less than three years shall submit the federal tax returns for each year they've been in business.
  • A DVBE applicant that is not a sole proprietorship and rents equipment to the state must provide the federal income tax returns for each of their disabled veteran owners or your firm will be deemed to be an equipment broker.
  • DVBE limited liability companies must be wholly owned by one or more disabled veterans.

NOTE: The disabled veteran who manages and controls the business is not required to be an owner of the applicant business.

Department of General Services Small Business and DVBE Services maintains links for California Small Business and DVBE policy as well as providing certification services and other program administration resources.


Outlines minimum requirements for general liability, business automobile liability, Worker’s Compensation, and professional liability insurance.

Vendor/Contractor shall maintain, or cause to be maintained, for not less than the duration of the contract between Vendor/Contractor and University, at least the following types and amounts of insurance for claims which may arise from or in connection with services or products provided.

  • General Liability: comprehensive or commercial form minimum limits each Occurrence $2,000,000, General Aggregate $4,000,000
  • Business Automobile Liability: minimum limits or Owned, Scheduled, Non-Owned, or Hire Automobiles with a combine single limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence.
  • Worker’s Compensation: evidence of coverage as required under California Law in the amount of 1,000,000
  • Professional Liability: evidence of coverage when applicable.
  • Abuse or Molestation Coverage: Required for events catering specifically to persons under the age of 18 (minors). Minimum limits each Occurrence $1,000,000, General Aggregate $2,000,000 (when applicable)

The description of operations/ locations/ vehicles must include the following: The State of California, the trustees of the California State University, University Auxiliary Services (UAS) the Campus, and the officers, employees, volunteers, and agents of each of them are named as Additional Insured with regards to the Operations of the Named Insured. Coverage includes Primary and Non-contributory and Waiver of subrogation per endorsements attached as required by written contract.

Once our office has received and verified that the requirements have been met per the certificate of insurance a purchase order shall be issued. The vendor/contractor agrees that no work or services shall be performed prior to the issuance of the purchase order.

Insurance shall be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best’s rating of no less than A:VII.

Certificate Holder
California State University, Los Angeles
Att: Insurance & Risk Management
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032



Effective January 1, 1993, California tax regulations require the California State University system to withhold Federal and/or State income taxes from payments to certain vendors. Payments made to nonresident vendors, including corporations, individuals, partnerships, estates and trusts, are subject to withholding. Nonresident vendors performing services in California or receiving rent, lease or royalty payments form property (real or personal) located in California will have 7% or their total payments withheld for State income tax. However, no withholding is required if total payments to the vendor for the calendar year are $1,500 or less.

Who needs to submit a Payee Data Record Form?

In order to gather such information as residency status, taxpayer ID number, Payee type, etc. the CSU now requires all vendors complete a Payee Data Record Form (aka Vendor 204 & W9) on a one-time basis before any payment can be made. If Form, Payee Data Record Form is not completed and returned by the individual or company being paid, payment will either be delayed or Federal and/or State withholding will be calculated (Federal withholding rate 30%, and for State income tax withholding rate 7%).

Who is exempt from filing a Payee Data Record Form?

Payments made to other State or Federal agencies. Also, refund or reimbursement payments made to individuals are exempt from filing a Payee Data Record Form.

How You Can Help

If a School or Department is involved in dealing directly with a vendor (guest lecturers, emergency P.O.'s, e.g.) or is requesting a pre-payment for publication, subscription or membership, then the department must have the Payee Data Record Form (aka Vendor 204 & W9) , completed and signed and attached to the requisition, direct pay approval form and/or invoice when submitted. Because checks cannot be released or issued without the completed documentation described above, please plan in advance to avoid payment delays.

Payee Data Record (aka Vendor 204 & W9)

Reportable Vendors State & Federal Withholding/Non-Resident Aliens

The Payee Data Record Form (aka Vendor 204 & W9) is required in order to process payment by determining the tax status for reportable income and State and Federal withholding.

Reportable Income

A 1099 Misc. is issued for Services or Rent if the total amount of payments made for the calendar year is $600 or more, including Corporations for legal services.

Medical and Health Care Payments of $600 or more made in the course of your trade or business to each physician or other supplier or provider of medical or health care services, including Corporations.

Royalty payments of $10 or more will also receive a 1099 Misc.

State Withholding

Non Residents providing a service in California, including agents, entertainers and Corporations or partnerships are subject to 7% State withholding if the total amount of payments for the calendar year are $1,500 or more.

A non-resident payee may submit a Withholding Exemption Certificate Form 590.

Also, for a reduced rate form 589 Nonresident Reduced Withholding Request has to be submitted in advance of payment to the Franchise Tax Board.

Franchise Tax Board
888-792-4900 (Toll-Free)

Federal Withholding

Applies to Non Resident Aliens - Refer to guidelines for U. S. Tax Information.


OSFS Payee Data Form Workflow Guide 

The Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) reflects the California State University's (CSU) ongoing commitment to providing access to information resources and technologies to individuals with disabilities. This commitment is articulated in Executive Order 1111 (EO 1111), the CSU Board of Trustees Policy on Disability Support and Accommodations.


Note: Vendors are asked to review campus and CSU requirements.

All payments of undisputed invoices are made upon receipt of materials or satisfactory completion of services and receipt of an approved invoice. Unless otherwise directed, invoices shall be sent to Cal State Los Angeles Controller's Office (Accounts Payable, email: [email protected]).

Cal State Los Angeles
Controller's Office (Accounts Payable)
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032
Vendors should NOT send invoices to the department.

The following list of active bids is for information purposes only. Prospective bidders should check with the buyer to verify all data.


To view Cal State L.A. solicitations on the CSU Public Bid Site