Chemical Safety

The health and safety of personnel (staff, students, and visitors) in a laboratory and/or non-laboratory environment in which hazardous or potentially hazardous materials or substances are used is the concern of everyone at this University. A “safety first” attitude emphasizes hazard identification and risk minimization as a part of any laboratory/chemical planning activity. Chemical Safety procedures and practices are designed to minimize potential exposure to hazardous materials.


Bell warning ringing

Laboratory Safety

Laboratory safety issues affecting faculty, students, and staff are coordinated and implemented through the Risk Management and Environmental, Health & Safety (RMEHS) Office. If you have questions about Chemical/Laboratory Safety, email [email protected] or call (323) 343-3531. You can also use the "Report a Safety Concern" button to notify RMEHS. 

Globally Harmonized System (GHS)

GHS is a regulation managed by the United Nations for classifying and communicating chemical hazards for a specific space. Every area that stores or uses chemicals must comply with GHS labeling standards and Title 8 CCR § 5194 "Hazard Communication" Standard to define what a hazard is and how to protect themselves. GHS labels are meant to ensure that any person can look at a GHS label on a container and understand the hazards associated with the chemical inside. 


GHS labels are needed when the chemical is transferred to a secondary container that will be permanent. Manufacturer containers already have proper GHs labels, but once you transfer the chemical to another container, then a GHS label is required. The container must:

  • Clean
  • Have no visible signs of damage
  • Be compatible with the chemical that will be stored

The following GHS labels are meant to be downloaded and used across all laboratory spaces at Cal State LA. They can be used in conjuction with the Avery 60505 labels that can be purchased. If more custom or smaller labels are need to labeling purposes, please reach out to the chemical hygiene officer for help.