Welcome to CETL's Activities Repository!

Thank you for visiting! Below are three main ways to use this Repository. Your scavenger hunt begins!


1: Bloom’s level: Find an Activity matches an Objective

When designing your course, you start with your objectives (or Student Learning Outcomes) and find an activity that matches.

Click "Bloom's Level" below to get started

2: Tool: Find an Activity by Instructional Tool

Do you want to find new ways to use Discussions? Or how to use surveys in your course?

Click "Tools" below to begin

3: Interaction Type: Find an Activity by Interaction Type

Learners interact with content, other learners, and instructors in a complete educational experience. With this repository, you can find activities by their respective Interaction Type.

Click "Interaction Types" below to find these activities.

4: Time: Find an Activity by how and when it is conducted

  • "Asynchronous" indicates that students can participate at different times. This could be an online paper to the instructor or a list of homework problems.
  • "Synchronous" indicates that students need to participate at the same time. This could be in-person or with a live Zoom conference.

Click "Time" below to access activities sorted this way.

Other Classifications

Because of advances in computing power and live video, we do not need to classify activities as either in-person and online. Please click each classification below to learn how we distinguish between them!

  • "Individual" indicates that students can participate on their own.
  • "With Others" indicates that students must work with other students or an instructor on the activity.

  • "Low-stakes" indicates that the activity for practice, knowledge checks, or learning itself. They do not compose a significant portion of the grade.
  • "High-stakes" activities include a formal assessment, such as a mid-term, final, research paper, or final project.

This indicates the main teaching goal behind the activity.