Academic Senate Staff Senator Candidate - Lianne Salerno

Name: Lianne Salerno

Department: Office of the Registrar

Lianne has been a long time staff member at Cal State LA. She has moved around campus, holding various positions over the years, familiarizing herself with staff, faculty and administrators alike. She is not stagnant in her growth and exudes an interest to continue growing. She has been involved in various planning committees and is aware of how administrative changes can affect the staff who are entrusted to implement the day to day processes and changes. In the six months I worked with Enrollment Services, she impressed our Vice Provost for Enrollment Services (not easy to do) and she also impressed me with her knowledge of policy and her ability to interpret it. She is well respected and trusted, not only by staff in her department, but across campus. She knows and speaks with staff across division lines and she is a wonderful example of a person who excels at what she does, while balancing work and personal life. I would be honored to have her represent me at the Academic Senate.