Wings of Wellness

Wings of Wellness, April 15 - 19, 2024

Discover the 8 Dimensions of Wellness by participating in workshops and activities during Wings of Wellness Week! Gain insight into how your well-being in each dimension is linked to your academic success as a student.

Wings of Wellness Challengers

Meet a few of the Golden Eagles who participated in our Wings of Wellness Challenge. The lucky winner will get up to $200 in credit to on-campus food vendors.

An individual in a black shirt taking a selfie against a yellow and black wall with a wing painted on it.


"I embrace wellness by visiting CAPS"

A person in a grey sweatshirt posing for a picture against black wings painted on a white wall.

de la Torre

" I embrace wellness by giving people positive vibes. I'm always trying to make people laugh and when I do greet people, I greet them with a smile :)"

An individual with brown hair smiling against a yellow and black wall.


"Through sleep and having 3 positive people for every negative person in my life"