Student Health Center

Learning Outcome 1: Quick Facts

As a result of attending the HPEC’s Quick Facts on Health (Quick Facts) guest lecture students will be more able to identify at least three facts covered in the presentation.

Assessment Measures
Direct and indirect measures are utilized to assess student learning and outcomes through Qualtrics pre- and post-testing and evaluations.  Knowledge change, as measured through pre- and post-testing true/false statements, is the primary direct measure. Indirect measures, utilizing Likert scales, include assessment of student perceptions of knowledge change, behavioral intentions, further knowledge needs.   Outcomes are assessed in relation to identified program objectives.

Assessment Data Collection Plan
Data is collected at Quick Facts presentations* throughout the academic school year. Data review and discussion occurs periodically throughout the year. *Assessment data is generally collected for presentations of one-hour or more in length.

Existing Data
Existing Qualtrics data, American College Health Association (ACHA) Healthy Campus 2020 Objectives, and ACHA National College Health Assessment reference group and campus reports are among the data sources utilized for data analysis.

Analysis of Results
Data reviews related to changes in knowledge, behavioral intentions and identified needs are conducted to analyze data. HPEC activity logs and data collection dates can be used to disaggregate data allowing for comparisons among Quick Facts participant subpopulations.

Use of Results
Results are discussed among HPEC and appropriate Student Health Center staff in order to assess, and modify where applicable, presentation content and evaluate student’s intent in applying health-enhancing information and skills to their daily lives. Results will also be shared with appropriate committees that HPEC staff are members of, (e.g., Assessment Committee, Basic Needs Committee). Health educators review result analyses, existing data (e.g., Healthy Campus 2020 Objectives), current federal and state laws, and other information to inform its programs, activities and services. Appropriate modifications are implemented where indicated.Results will be shared with the Student Life Assessment Council.

Student Life Domain: Student Life Health and Well-Being
Institutional Strategic Priority:  Student Success
Institutional Learning Outcome: Knowledge Mastery of Content and Processes of Inquiry

Learning Outcome 2: Wellness Fair

As a result of participating in the HPEC’s SHC annual Wellness Fair students will be more likely to:

  • Make healthy lifestyle changes
  • Continue their education by reading information brochures they received
  • Demonstrate new information about one or more health services

Assessment Measures
Wellness Fair post participation evaluation consists of indirect measures, utilizing Likert scales. Student perceptions of knowledge change and behavioral intentions are assessed.  Wellness fair outcome is assessed based on the results on evaluation results.

Assessment Data Collection Plan
Data is collected at each Wellness Fair. Participants complete the activity evaluation after participating in 8 Wellness Fair activities.

Analysis of Results
Results are compiled in an Excel spreadsheet, and disaggregated in relation to academic College, gender, age, and race and ethnicity.

Use of Results
Results are compiled in an Excel spreadsheet, and disaggregated in relation to academic College, gender, age, and race and ethnicity.  Results will be shared with the Student Life Assessment Council.

Student Life Domain: Student Life Health and Well-Being
Institutional Strategic Priority:  Student Success
Institutional Learning Outcome: Knowledge Mastery of Content and Processes of Inquiry

Learning Outcome 3: Alcohol Awareness

As a result of participating in alcohol awareness activities during Alcohol Awareness Week and Safe Spring Break students will be able to:

  • List 2 signs or symptoms of alcohol poisoning
  • Identify one way their body or behavior is affected by alcohol
  • Describe new information learned at the event
  • Indicate if they plan to share the information they learned with others

Assessment Measures
Indirect measures are utilized to assess student learning and outcomes post-testing and evaluations.Utilizing Likert scales, student perceptions of knowledge change and behavioral intentions are assessed.Outcome is assessed in relation to identified program objectives.

Assessment Data Collection Plan
Data is collected at the end of each event. Participants complete evaluations after they have visited the required number of event education stations.

Existing Data
Existing data from previous years is assessed and used to compare with data of future Alcohol Awareness Weeks and Safe Spring Breaks.

Analysis of Results
Results are compiled in an Excel spreadsheet. Modification of the evaluation will allow for future data disaggregation.

Use of Results
Results are discussed among HPEC and appropriate Student Health Center staff in order to assess, and modify where applicable, presentation content and evaluate student’s intent in applying health-enhancing information and skills to their daily lives. Results will also be shared with appropriate committees that HPEC staff are members of, (e.g., Assessment Committee, Basic Needs Committee). Health educators review result analyses, existing data (e.g., Healthy Campus 2020 Objectives), current federal and state laws, and other information to inform its programs, activities and services. Appropriate modifications are implemented where indicated. Results will be shared with the Student Life Assessment Council.

Student Life Domain: Student Life Health and Well-Being
Institutional Strategic Priority:  Student Success
Institutional Learning Outcome: Knowledge Mastery of Content and Processes of Inquiry