Office of the Dean of Students

Learning Outcome 1: Care Team

As a result of being referred to and meeting with a member of the Care Team, students will learn two specific strategies to address the area of need or concern for which they were referred to the Care Team.

Assessment Measures
Conduct comprehensive annual academic year-end survey (in April each year) of students who have met with a member of the Care Team– survey to be either emailed or online. To include use of Likert Scale questions, check box responses, and short answer questions to measure helpfulness of guidance provided by Care Team member, including greater felt likelihood of successful completion of degree; what crises, issues, barriers students are facing; and what strategies have been employed to successfully address and navigate the issues, such as resources connected with and utilized; growth in self-efficacy, self-advocacy.

Assessment Data Collection Plan
Track students for whom we have received a Care Team Referral, and who have met with a member of the Care Team, as tracked in the Maxient data base. 

Existing Data

Analysis of Results
Survey results will be analyzed to determine overall effectiveness of Care Team intervention in helping students to learn and employ strategies that help them overcome issues and barriers affecting their academic and personal success.

Use of Results
Findings will be discussed at Care Team meetings and Student Life Assessment Council. This discussion will lead to improvements to services offered by the Care Team.

Student Life Domain: Personal, Social, and Professional Identity Development ; Health and Well-Being
Institutional Strategic Priority:  Student Success; Welcoming and Inclusive Campus
Institutional Learning Outcome: Transformation: Integrative Learning

Learning Outcome 2: Social Impact Career Connector

After participating in the Social Impact Career Connector (SICC) students will increase their understanding of careers that impact issues in society and promote civic engagement as measured by a pre and post survey.

Assessment Data Collection Plan
Faculty partners working on the SICC will administer pre & post surveys in their classes, then share the data with our group after the event.

Existing Data

Analysis of Results
The results will be analyzed by comparing data collected from the pre and post survey.

Use of Results
Results will be discussed with faculty partners. It will be integrated into course curriculum, shared with other faculty, and used to plan additional co-curricular events.  Results will be shared with the Student Life Assessment Council.

Student Life Domain: Community Engagement
Institutional Strategic Priority: Engagement, Service and the Public Good
Institutional Learning Outcome: Transformation: Integrative Learning