Center for Student Involvement

The Center for Student Involvement provides student leadership initiatives, student organization development, and programs and services that foster campus involvement, personal growth and student learning. The Center for Student Involvement is located on the second floor of the University-Student Union, Room 204.

Come drop by the Center!

Tel: 323.343.5110

Hours of Operation:

Monday through Thursday: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Student Organizations

The Center for Student Involvement believes that a valuable part of student education lies in co-curricular involvement in student organizations.  The staff of the Center coordinates recognition and orientation of all student organizations, including dissemination of information to various campus departments.  This includes providing information to individuals inquiring about starting new student organizations and serving as the official liaison to Greek-letter organizations.  Participation in activities where leadership, community responsibility, intellectual, religious, and social interests can be met both enriches and completes a college education.  This is why in addition to providing organization support, the Center coordinates student organization advisor training, publishes the Student Organization and Advisor Handbooks, and assists in the development of co-curricular programs with various members of the University faculty and departments.  Students are encouraged to contact a Center staff member to discuss organization issues including, but not limited to, team building, program planning strategies, officer training, officer transitions, recruitment, and conflict management.  Staff members are also available to conduct individual workshops with student organizations to develop members’ skills.


University Programming

University Programming strives to provide social, educational, and recreational programs that create opportunities for campus involvement, intellectual growth, and personal development for students.  These programs compliment the educational curriculum of Cal State LA with a primary goal of enhancing the college experience in collaboration with student, faculty, and staff.  Many of the programs and activities at Cal State LA are student initiated. The Center programming staff maintains a very active role in shaping and supporting many of Cal State LA’s traditions such as Week One and Mardi Gras.  Students can volunteer to help plan the events and activities that happen at Cal State LA  Student organizations may also have the opportunity to raise funds during various events.


Leadership Development and Education Programs

The Center for Student Involvement provides all students at Cal State LA the opportunity to explore and enhance their leadership abilities so that they may become active, principled leaders within their communities.  The Center coordinates a comprehensive program in leadership education and development for the Cal State LA community.  The initiatives provide students with a variety of experiences through workshops, classes, conferences/retreats, and individually focused services.  These offerings challenge students to learn about themselves and others, thus empowering them to shape their own future and become tomorrow’s leaders.  The Leadership Development and Education Programs include a variety of initiatives to serve all leaders:

  • U-Lead: Personal and student organization development workshops (ongoing)
  • Leadership Exploration and Advancement Program (L.E.A.P.) (fall quarter)
  • The Leader Project: The Emerging Leadership Program  (winter quarter)
  • Leadership Retreat: Leadership development conference (spring quarter)
  • Leader-to-Leader: A seminar series for advanced leaders (spring quarter)