E&T B107 | csula.bmes@gmail.com
Dr. Debbie Won | [email protected]
Dr. Dave Raymond | [email protected]
We use technology to help people and to promote health and wellness!
Biomedical Engineering Society (Student Chapter)
The Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) chapter was established at Cal State LA in 2009 and has been a hub for students interested in the Biomedical Engineering field. The organization runs career development events with speakers from the biomedical industry, participate in Makeathon biomedical design competitions off-campus, and run workshops to give students skills to prototype medical devices and technology. The org has regularly sent members to the annual BMES conference to present findings from their research and projects.
Internships and Research
Many of our students have already been able to take advantage of career opportunities at companies such as Medtronic, BBraun, and Children’s Hospital of LA. Students at Cal State LA are also very involved in research projects and design projects supervised by our faculty. Research and design projects range from impact biomechanics on animals and humans, mobile fitness using wireless sensing, prosthetic hands, and non-invasive brain-machine interface control.
Biomedical Engineering Minor Degree Program
The Cal State LA BME minor was introduced in the Fall of 2016 to better prepare our students to join the workforce in Biomedical Engineering. Through the BME curriculum, students learn to use and acquire data from sensors that are applicable in the medical fields, how to approach design issues particular to biomedical devices, and how to analyze biomedical signals in medical diagnostics and therapies.
• EE 2810 (BME 2810 starting Fall 2025) - Biomedical Inquiry from a Data Science Perspective
• EE/ME 2801 (BME 2800 starting Fall 2025) Introduction to BME
• BME 2801 (starting Fall 2025) - Biomedical Engineering Lab
• Sensors and Data Acquisition
• Impact Biomechanics
• Biomaterials
• Biomedical Devices
• Biomedical Signal Processing
How to Get Involved with BME Pathways at Cal State LA
U.S. News & World Report lists Cal State LA in its “Best Colleges 2019 Guidebook” and ranks it as “#13 among the top public regional universities in the West”. Our College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology also boasts “a top 10 ranking amongst public master’s awarding institutions in the U.S., excluding military academies”. We are seeking more industry partners in biomedical engineering to tap into this wealth of potential and help our students excel as biomedical engineers. For inquiries regarding how to get involved with our BME Pathways internships and career opportunities, please contact BME Pathways Director Deborah Won (Prof. in Electrical & Computer Engineering) or Dr. David Raymond (co-developer of the BME Minor Degree Program) [email protected]