Dreamers Emergency Funding Application

Personal Information
1. Do you identify as an undocumented person?
2. Are you currently enrolled and matriculated in a degree or credential program at Cal State LA?
If you answered “NO” to either of the questions above, you do not qualify for this emergency funding. If you have any questions, please contact the Glazer Family Dreamers Resource Center at [email protected].
Financial Need & Financial Aid
4. Do you qualify to submit the California Dream Act Application for Financial Aid (CDA)?
5. If you qualify to submit the CDA, did you submit an application for the current academic year?
6. Are you currently receiving financial aid?
7. If you are receiving financial aid, were you offered the Dream Loan?
8. If you were offered the Dream Loan, did you accept it?
Unforeseen Emergency
Application Certification
Information Authorization
By checking "Yes," I give permission to the Cal State LA Financial Aid and Scholarships office to release my information to the authorized individual of individuals reviewing this application from the Dreamers Resource Center. This disclosure is valid only for financial aid information. I also understand and acknowledge that other areas of the University may be consulted which may be used to determine my level of eligibility for this resource. If you do not give this permission, your application cannot be processed.
All of the information on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.