
The general accounting teams are responsible for the accuracy of the general ledger, timely monthly and year-end closes, and non-student billing.

The mission of General Accounting is to serve as a support function to the California State University, Los Angeles campus community's goals and objectives.

General Accounting is responsible for collecting and organizing University-wide accounting transactional data to provide managerial and operational information to the University and its auxiliary organizations, the Chancellors Office and the State Controller’s Office. Functions include ensuring the integrity of fiscal data by establishing adequate internal controls, overseeing financial and compliance reporting to numerous internal and external customers, and providing prudent financial guidance and management of the University’s fiscal resources. The unit is responsible for consistent application of relevant controls, policies, procedures, and state and federal laws.


The primary goal of Accounts Payable is to provide for timely and accurate recording of University expenditures and to ensure that vendors, faculty, staff, and students are paid in a timely, accurate and efficient manner consistent with the overall guidelines and regulations.

Accounts Payable is responsible for processing and distributing payments of business-related services and expenses for the university and its auxiliary organizations. Functions include verifying, entering and processing data from all vendor invoices, and calculating appropriate payments to include discounts, sales and use taxes and 1099 reporting. In addition, the unit processes all University travel applications, travel claims, and reconciles Business Travel Accounts monthly. The unit is responsible for the consistent application of relevant controls, policies, procedures, and state and federal laws.

Actions to Approve Invoice

PO#: If the invoice has a PO number, forward the email to [email protected] and state “approved” in the body. There is no need to include chartfields as they are already specified on the Purchase Order. Any special payment instructions should also be provided if needed.

PO# Unknown or Direct Payment Request: If the PO number is unknown, forward the PO number, or, for direct payment, the complete chartfield string and department reference number. Email all invoice approvals to [email protected]. For direct payment requests, be certain to include any other required documentation and forms (Hospitality, Gift Expense, etc).


Billing and posting payments of non-student related activities for the University and its auxiliary organizations are among the major responsibilities of Accounts Receivable. Functions include verifying the billing document of the internal service centers, preparing and recording revenue or chargeback activities, collecting and posting cash receipts, and assisting the library and payroll departments with collecting on delinquent accounts. The unit is responsible for consistent application of relevant controls, policies, procedures, and state and federal laws.

Auxiliary Accounting processes payments, prepares financial statements and performs accounts reconciliation and bank reconciliation. Auxiliary accounting is one of the essential professional functions provided by the University Controller in support of the University’s overall mission. Other functions include accounts payable, accounts receivable and financial reporting.

This team is committed to the highest level of competency and professionalism.

A chart of accounts is a listing of the names of the accounts that an organization has identified and made available for recording transactions in its general ledger. The chart of accounts consists of balance sheet accounts (assets, liabilities, net assets) and income statement accounts (revenues, expenses, transfers).

The Chart of Accounts used in the CSU is composed of the following six segments, referred to as a chartfield: account, fund, department, project, program, class. For balance sheet chartfields, only the fund and account segments should be used. For income statement chartfields, three segments are required: account, fund, and department. Certain construction and grants/contracts funds require the project segment. The program and class segments are not required by the accounting system, but may be used to group transactions as desired by departments.

Most Commonly Used Account Numbers 

A journal is a record of transactions listed as they occur that shows the specific accounts affected by the transaction. Used in a double-entry accounting system, journal entries require both a debit and a credit to complete each entry. Journal entries are the foundation for all other financial reports. They provide important information that are used by auditors to analyze how financial transactions impact a business.

A journal entry requires the following elements:

  • Account
  • Fund
  • Department
  • Line Description
  • Amount

Other elements are optional. The template is format specific, you must either enter the information or cut and paste values instead of just paste.


Accurately accounting for and performing inventories of property and equipment in a uniform way are the responsibilities of Property Management. Functions include providing accurate accounting of the acquisitions, controls, transfers, and dispositions of the property for the University and its auxiliary organizations Services include tagging equipment, performing inventories and conducting sales of surplus equipment. The unit is responsible for consistent application of relevant controls, policies, procedures, and Chancellor’s Office guidelines.