
Note: PREC graduate students underlined, undergraduate students italicized, Cal State LA faculty in bold.


  1. S. Mishra, M. Corro-Flores, D. Krum, and N. Forouzesh, "Molecular Docking Improved With Human Spatial Perception Using Virtual Reality", IEEE-VR, (March 21, 2024)
  2. R. Chakroborty, R. Rios, A. Alexan, and O. Sode, "UV/Vis Ultraviolet-visible Spectroscopy Computational Technique: Investigating Fluorescence of Benzo[a]pyren and Dione Derivatives," Student Symposium on Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities, Poster Presentation, California State University, Los Angeles, (March 8, 2024).
  3. L. Rodriguez and O. Sode, "Advancing Materials Discovery Via the Prediction of the Electronic Density of States Using a Euclidean Neural Network" Student Symposium on Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities, Oral Presentation, California State University, Los Angeles, (March 8, 2024).
  4. F. Place, A. Risheh, and N. Forouzesh, "Automated pipeline for high throughput Alanine scanning" Student Symposium on Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities, California State University, Los Angeles, (March 8, 2024).
  5. A. Risheh, P. S. Nerenberg, and N. Forouzesh, "Novel Biomolecular Fingerprinting Using Graph Convolutional Networks" Student Symposium on Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities, Poster Presentation, California State University, Los Angeles, (March 8, 2024).
  6. D. Sagar and N. Forouzesh, "Enhancing Drug Discovery via Physics-Guided Deep Generative Models" Student Symposium on Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities, Oral Presentation, California State University, Los Angeles, (March 8, 2024). [Outstanding Oral Presentation Award in Engineering and Computer Science]
  7. L. Rodriguez and O. Sode, "Predicting Electronic Density of States Using a Euclidian Neural Network," SoCal Theochem 2023 Conference, Poster Presentation, University of California, Los Angeles (October 14, 2023).
  8. D. Martinez and O. Sode, "Machine Learning Based Interatomic Potentials for Dynamic Simulations of Molecular CO2," SoCal Theochem 2023 Conference, Poster Presentation, University of California, Los Angeles (October 14, 2023).
  9. L. Rodriguez, M. Natalizio, and O. Sode, "Predicting Electronic and Vibrational Structures of Molecules and Materials Using Machine Learning Approaches," American Chemical Society Fall 2023 Meeting, Poster Presentation, San Francisco, CA (August 14, 2023).
  10. D. Martinez and O. Sode, "Using Neural Equivariant Interatomic Potentials for Molecular and Condensed Phase Property Prediction of CO2," American Chemical Society Fall 2023 Meeting, Poster Presentation, San Francisco, CA (August 14, 2023).
  11. D. Sagar, A. Risheh, N. Sheikh, and N. Forouzesh, "Deep Generative Physics-Guided Model for New Ligand Discovery ", American Chemical Society Fall 2023 Meeting, Poster Presentation, San Francisco, CA (August 14, 2023).
  12. F. Place, A. Risheh, and N. Forouzesh, "Free Energy Calculation using Molecular Mechanics energies combined with the Poisson-Boltzmann/Generalized Born surface area continuum solvation (MM-PB/GB-SA)," Summer Research Symposium, Poster Presentation, California State University, Los Angeles (August 4, 2023).
  13. I. Perez, S. Mishra, M. Flores, D. Sagar, and N. Forouzesh, "Efficient Drug Discovery with Physics-Guided Neural Networks and Human Spatial Perception through IMDVR," Summer Research Symposium, Poster Presentation, California State University, Los Angeles (August 4, 2023).
  14. E. Perez, R. Perez, A. Alexan, and O. Sode, "Computational Experimentation of UV-Vis Spectra of Benzo[a]pyrene Molecule and Oxygenated Derivatives," Summer Research Symposium, Poster Presentation, California State University, Los Angeles (August 4, 2023).
  15. A. Jasko, D. Sagar, N. Sheikh, and N. Forouzesh, "Generating 3D Molecules with Deep Learning Models," Summer Research Symposium, Poster Presentation, California State University, Los Angeles (August 4, 2023).
  16. A. Risheh and N. Forouzesh, "Novel Biomolecular Fingerprinting Using Graph Convolutional Networks", Biophysical Society Meeting, San Diego (February 18, 2023)

Larry Rodriguez presenting his research at the 2024 Student Symposium on Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities at Cal State LA. 


Raj Chakroborty presenting his research to Dr. Xin Wen at the 2024 Student Symposium on Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities at Cal State LA. 


Shivam Mishra presenting at the first annual Cal State LA - MolSSI Collaboration Meeting at Virginia Tech in July 2023.


Nida Sheikh presenting at the first annual Cal State LA - MolSSI Collaboration Meeting at Virginia Tech in July 2023.


Larry Rodriguez presenting his research at the 2024 Student Symposium on Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities at Cal State LA. 


Raj Chakroborty presenting his research to Dr. Xin Wen at the 2024 Student Symposium on Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities at Cal State LA. 


Shivam Mishra presenting at the first annual Cal State LA - MolSSI Collaboration Meeting at Virginia Tech in July 2023.


Nida Sheikh presenting at the first annual Cal State LA - MolSSI Collaboration Meeting at Virginia Tech in July 2023.