Prospective Students

Welcome, Prospective ULRN students

Our Cohorts

A principal goal of the Urban Learning Program is the development of students’ collaboration and teamwork skills. Each student in the Urban Learning major is assigned to a cohort at the beginning of junior year. A ULRN cohort is a collegial group of students who take their coursework together while they work and study collaboratively.  Cohorts are made up of 20-25 students pursuing the Multiple Subject, Education Specialist, or both credentials. The cohort is a critical academic, social and professional support system throughout the degree program.

The Major and Credential Options

The major program consists of 60 units of lower-division general education preparation, 135 units in the major, and electives appropriate to the student's credential option. Students may earn one or two credentials in the program:

  • A Multiple Subject credential, preparing the student to teach children grades K-8 in self-contained classrooms.  Students may also add a subject matter authorization to their credential, allowing them to teach subject matter curriculum for grades 7-9.
  • An Education Specialist credential, preparing the student to teach children with disabilities ranging from birth to grade 12, depending upon the disability option they select.  The student may select from among four options: Mild-to-Moderate Disabilities, Moderate-to-Severe Disabilities, Physical and Health Impairments, and Visual Impairment and Blindness.
  • The Accelerated Dual Credential Program leading to a Multiple Subject and Education Specialist credential and preparing the candidate to address the learning abilities and needs of a broad range of students in inclusive settings. 


Urban Learning Program