ACP Mission Statement
The American Communities Program at the California State University, Los Angeles promotes humanities-based inquiry into the formation of individual and communal identities in American society. The Program energizes and engages faculty, students, and the surrounding communities in order to foster a teaching and learning collaborative that provides funds for faculty development in research and/or curriculum, the purchase of library resources, and public programming. Building on the strengths of the rich history and diversity of the Cal State LA community and the communities of the Los Angeles area, the Program encourages work that explores the development of American communities in their local, national, and transnational contexts.
ACP Goals
The American Communities Program seeks to investigate the intersection of individual and communal identities in American society, understand the dynamic and multiform processes of American community formation and reformation, and promote the visibility and vitality of the humanities on the Cal State LA campus and in the surrounding communities. To achieve the above the ACP will:
- become a regional center for the exchange of ideas
- establish innovative research and community engagement programs
- promote curriculum and collection development at Cal State LA
- forge strong, ongoing relationships with local institutions and community groups
- host colloquia, conferences, and renowned scholars whose work is related to the themes and mission of the ACP
- provide student research and mentoring opportunities
- develop resources and infrastructure
American Communities Program, c/o College of Arts and Letters Dean's Office, 5151 State University Drive, Los Angeles, LA 90032
ACP Director/Joseph A. Bailey II, M.D. Endowed Chair of American Communities: Dr. Maria Karafilis ([email protected])
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