E&T endowed chair

April 12, 2000





Margie Yu
Public Affairs Asst.
(323) 343-3047


of Events

Cal State L.A. Appoints
New Engineering Endowed Chair

Los Angeles, CA - California State University, Los Angeles recently announced the appointment of Samuel E. Landsberger (Torrance resident) as Northrop Grumman Engineering Endowed Chair in Design and Manufacturing for the Cal State L.A. School of Engineering and Technology.

Samuel E. Landsberger's interest is in creating technology to meet vital human needs and guiding students in this effort. His work includes the design of Medical and Assistive Devices for people with disabilities. He has an extensive background in spatial kinematics, manipulator and undersea robot design.

For the past five years, Landsberger has served as technical director of rehabilitation engineering research for Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center and an adjunct associate professor at USC Department of Biomedical Engineering. He has previously taught at MIT, Cornell and Caltech.

Landsberger received his B.S. in mathematics from University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and both his Sc.D. and S.M. in mechanical engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His honors include a Wilfred E. Lewis Fellowship, Lincoln Arc Welding Award, Hurlburt Ecology House Faculty Fellowship, and a Dean's Prize for Innovation in Teaching.

The Northrop Grumman Endowed Chair in Design and Manufacturing has been established in 1996 in large part through a $200,000 challenge grant previously received from the Northrop Grumman Corporation--a leading designer, systems integrator, and manufacturer in defense and commercial aerospace. The challenge grant was recently completed through funding from manufacturing companies throughout Southern California. Original financial support toward this engineering endowed chair was received from the Arco Foundation, Hughes Aircraft and The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation.


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