Protected Disclosures
Any Cal State LA employee or campus third party may report what that person reasonably and in good faith believes is an improper governmental activity (including fiscal improprieties) or a condition that significantly threatens the health or safety of University employees or visitors if the disclosure or intention to disclose was made for the purpose of remedying that condition. (EO 1115).
Complaints are encouraged to be submitted to the University Internal Audit department, which is designated to receive such reports, or to the Chancellor’s Office. Submitting a Whistleblower complaint form is highly recommended, and the reporter is encouraged to include as much supporting evidence of the improper governmental activity or the health or safety condition as possible.
Complaints should be submitted not later than twelve (12) calendar months after the event that gave rise to the Protected Disclosure or no later than twelve (12) calendar months after the Complainant knew or should have known about the alleged Improper Governmental Activity.
Retaliation for making a whistleblower report is prohibited by federal and state law and by CSU policy (EO 1116).
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