Steve LaDochy
Emeriti Faculty
Office: KH D-4056�
Phone: (323) 343-2220
FAX: (323) 343-6494
Email: [email protected]
Meteorology, lecture and lab (hybrid) |
TR� 99:50; T 10:55-1:25 |
Spring 2022 |
Global Climate Change in the Developing World, |
MW 9:00-9:50 |
Spring 2022 |
Geog 3120-02 |
Global Climate Change in the Developing World, |
Fall 2022 |
Geog 1600-05
Geog 5800-01 |
Physical Geography lab
Directed Studies: Climate of LA |
M 1:50-4:20
Online |
Spring 2022 |
1985 Ph.D. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, in Geography. Dissertation: The Synoptic Climatology of Severe Thunderstorms in Manitoba.
1979-80 Graduate Studies, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, in Geography- Meteorology.
1969 M.S. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Co., in Atmospheric Sciences.
1967 B.A. U.C.L.A., in Meteorology.
1987- present Emeritus (2017) Professor (2006), Associate Professor (1992), Geosciences & Environment, California State University, Los Angeles.
1986-88 Adjunct Professor, Geography, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.
1970-87 Assistant Professor, Instructor, Geography, University of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
1980 Research, Teaching Assistant, Geography-Meteorology, University of Kansas.
RECENT PUBLICATIONS (*student co-authors)
LaDochy, S., Torres, T. and Hsu, Y. (2022): Los Angeles’ Urban Heat Island Continues to Grow: Urbanization, Land Use Change Influences, J. of Urban and Env. Engineering, /view/55313/34968
Pedro Elias Sequera; Jorge Gonzalez; Kyle McDonald; Steve LaDochy; Daniel Comarazamy (2016): Improvements in Land-Use Classification for Estimating Daytime Surface Temperatures and Sea-Breeze Flows in Southern California. Earth Interactions, vol. 20 (No. 16), 1-32.
Patzert, W.C., LaDochy, S., Ramirez, P., and Willis, J.K. (2016): Los Angeles Weather Station’s Relocation Impacts Climatic and Weather Records, The California Geographer, vol. 55, 41-52.
M. R. Witiw, S. LaDochy (2015) Cool PDO phase leads to recent rebound in coastal southern California fog, Die Erde, 146: 232-244.
*Killam, D., Bui, A., LaDochy, S., Ramirez, P., Patzert, W. and Willis, J. (2014) California Getting Wetter to the North, Drier to the South: Natural Variability or Climate Change? Climate 2014, 2(3), 168-180; doi:10.3390/cli2030168. Available at:
LaDochy, S. and M. Witiw (2012): The Continued Reduction in Dense Fog in the Southern California Region: Possible Climate Change Influences. Pure & Applied Geophysics (in print Oct. 2011)
LaDochy, S., Ramirez, P., Patzert, W. and Willis, J. (2009): The Case of the Disappearing Salmon, Earth Systems Science Education Alliance (ESSEA) course module at:
*Tamrazian, A., S. LaDochy, J. Willis and W. Patzert (2008): Heat waves in southern California: Are they becoming more frequent and longer lasting? Yearbook of the Assoc. of Pacific Coast Geographers 70: 59-69.
Witiw, M. and S. LaDochy (2008): Trends in fog frequencies in the Los Angeles Basin, Atmospheric Research 87: 293-300.
*LaDochy, S., R. Medina, W. Patzert (2007): Recent California climate variability: Spatial and temporal patterns in temperature trends, Climate Research, vol. 33, 159-169.
LaDochy, S., P. Ramirez and D. Mayo (2007): Recent online resources and distance learning experiences in natural hazards, Journal of Geophysical Education, vol. 55 (5), 202-210.
LaDochy, S. (2005). The disappearance of dense fog in Los Angeles: Another urban impact? Physical Geography, 26, 177-191.
*LaDochy, S., J. Brown, W. Patzert and M. Selke (2004): Can U.S. west coast climate be forecast? Preprint CD-ROM, Symposium on �Forecasting the Weather and Climate of the Atmosphere and Ocean, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Jan. 11-14, Seattle, WA.
Ye, H., D. Yang, T. Zhang, X. Zhang, S. LaDochy and M. Ellison (2004): The impact of climatic conditions on seasonal river discharges in Siberia, J. of Hydrometeorology vol. 5, 286-295
LaDochy, S. (2003): Lightning, in J. Oliver (Ed.) Encyclopedia of World Climate, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers (in press).
* ----------, J. Brown and W. Patzert (2003): June gloom and heavy fogs: oceanic influences on bummer California summers, Preprint CD-ROM, 12th Conf. On the Interaction of the Sea and Atmosphere, American Meteorological Society, Feb. 9-13, Long Beach, CA.
* ----------, P. Ramirez and R. Medina (2003): Two new undergraduate earth science web modules in air-sea interactions, Preprint CD-ROM, 12th Symposium on Education, AMS, Feb. 9-13, Long Beach, CA.
Small, I., G. Martin, S. LaDochy and J. Brown (2002): Topographic and synoptic influences on cold season California severe weather: Regional patterns in convective storms, 16th Conf. On Probability and Statistics in the Atmospheric Sciences, Amer. Meteorological Society, Jan, 13-17, Orlando, FL., 146-152.
LaDochy, S. and J. Brown (2001): Southern California severe weather phenomena: Synoptic and topographic influences,� Postprint, 2nd Southwest Weather Symposium, Amer. Meteorol. Soc., Sept. 21-22, Tucson, AZ., 104-108.
----------, and J. Brown (2001): Topographic and synoptic influences on cold season California severe weather: Regional patterns in convective storms, Proceedings, 20th Severe Local Storms Conference, Amer. Meteorol. Soc., Sept. 11-15, Orlando, FL., 485-488.
Bacca, A., J. Vincent, M. Luna, F. Zhou, S. LaDochy and S. Nicolaisen (2000): Fine-scale sampling and analysis for heavy metals and nitrogen- and sulfur-containing species in East Los Angeles, in Air Pollution VIII: 8th International Conference On Air Pollution. Brebbia, et al. (eds.),Southampton, UK: Wessex Institute of Technology Press, 273-282.
Courses Taught:
Applied Climatology, Climate Change, Urban Climatology, Meteorology, Physical Geography, Earth Science, Urban Environmental Pollution, Air Pollution, U.S. Geography, Environment & Technology
Research & Grants: recent
*2019-2022 NSF REU SITE: Changing Dynamics of Hydrological Systems in Urban Areas - Response to Human Disturbance and Climate Change, 360K, student mentor.
2016-18 NOAA Climate Stewards Grant, $2K to develop climate kits for secondary teachers, awarded July 2016. Involves 4 secondary ed. teachers, with P. Ramirez.
*2013-2016 NOAA-CREST Student Research Grant, $100K/year (co-PI). “Coastal Cities Climate: Los Angeles’ Urban Heat Island,” involving 4 graduate and 3 undergraduate students.
2010-16, 2005-2009, JPL, NASA Summer Faculty Fellowship, “Oceanic influences on W. coast climatic variability,” research project with Drs. W. Patzert and J. Willis, JPL, and Dr. Ramirez, CSULA. $15 K (2015), $12K (2016).
*2013 LaKretz Environmental Research Award, $12K, “Keeping LA Cool: Mitigating the Urban Heat Island.” CSULA, with H. Ye, and 2 graduate students.
2007-9 NSF ESSEA (Earth Systems Science Educational Alliance) grant, “Introducing an On-line ESSEA course to pre-service elementary teachers.” $40K, with P. Ramirez (June 2007).
*2005 JPL, NASA-CSULA SIRI (Student Independent Research Intern) Program PI ($9480 student internship) as CSULA faculty advisor to graduate student working with a JPL scientist, June 2004-June 2005.
*2002 Innovative Instruction Award, CSULA, for “Developing Web-based Oceanography Activities: Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Earth Science Education,” $8256, with P. Ramirez, R. Medina.
*2001 NOAA, COMET Partners Project, “Topographical and Synoptic Influences on Cold Season Severe Weather Events in California,” $6400, with I. Small, San Diego, National Weather Service and 1 CSULA student.
*1998-2002 CEA-CREST NSF Award, Component III: “Fine-Scale Analysis of Airborne Pollutants and Population Exposure in the Los Angeles Basin,” $868,192, co-PI with Nicholaisen, Zhou and Modarres (4-years, of a 5-yr. grant). 10 graduates, undergraduates, and 2 high school students.
Fire & Rain: California's Changing Weather & Climate (webpage in construction)