Professor David Blekhman

College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology
Department of Technology
Office ET137A

2023 Wang Family Excellence Award for Outstanding Scholarship, the highest CSU system wide recognition

2022 Cal State LA Outstanding Professor

photo Dr. Blekhman


 Ph. D.  Mechanical Engineering 2002
 University at Buffalo, SUNY
 "A Theoretical and Experimental Study of High-Temperature   Compressive Gas Heating."

 B.S. M.S.  Thermal Physics and Engineering 1995
 St Petersburg State Technical University, Russia
 "Mathematical Design of a High-Temperature Vertical Kiln," thesis internship at the Institute of Flame-Resistant Materials, St. Petersburg, Russia.


CSULA EcoCAR 2 Team, May 2012

Hydrogen Infrastructure, Alternative and Renewable Energy, Fuel Cells, Hybrid and Electric Vehicles, Automotive Applications, Fuel Reforming, Combustion, Thermal and Fluid Systems, CFD, Data Acquisition and Instrumentation, Rotating Machinery.

We are standing in the doorway of the next technical revolution in transportation and renewable energy sectors. Autonomous, electric, hybrid and fuel cell vehicles are making a quantum leap and are strongly positioning themselves in manufacturing and service over the next 20-30 years.

Wind and solar technologies have reached the development and affordability levels to compete with coal burning. These are the jobs of today and tomorrow, where I see my students taking technology leadership positions.


Cal State LA EcoCAR 3 team
Cal State LA EcoCAR3 team and their award winning plug-in hybrid conversion vehicle

California, and especially Southern California, is like none other state in the union. Here is the prime market for new hydrogen, EV and FCEV mobile and renewable technologies. The Sustainable Energy and Transportation program enjoys the support of dozens world wide known Research & Development and manufacturing companies. Students are regularly taken on field trips or have guest lectures.

Cal State LA competed in 2011-14 EcoCAR 2 and 2014-18 EcoCAR 3 competitions converting vehicles to plug in hybrids. In 2018 the team was awarded the Clean Air Award by South Coast Air Quality Management District. Dr. Blekhman was the lead advisor for both teams.



Solar panel team members Cesar Cardenas, Jesse Morales, Edgar Avalos, Jacob Dayneko, Jimmy Hoo and Jeovany Aguilar gauge the output of their panels on top of the Engineering and Technologybuilding. There are two, 77-panel grid systems that will power lab
Engineering Building Solar System team members Cesar Cardenas, Jesse Morales, Edgar Avalos, Jacob Dayneko, Jimmy Hoo and Jeovany Aguilar gauge the output of their panels on top of the Engineering and Technology building.

The Sustainable Energy and Transportation program offers the following courses:

  • ETEC 1000  Introduction to Automotive Mechanisms
  • ETEC 3700  Sustainable Energy and Transportation
  • ETEC 4700  Electric, Hybrid and Alternatively Fueled Vehicles
  • ETEC 4710 Engine Design and Performance
  • ETEC 4720  Photovoltaic Applications
  • ETEC 4740  Fuel Cell Applications, MCFC course project
  • ETEC4760  Measurement, Instrumentation and Control
  • ETEC 4880  Fluid Power

Built in 2011, the 79-module solar system powers lab experiments and research, as well as supply energy to the hydrogen fueling station.

System was upgraded to 58 Sharp (circa 2000, 10% efficiency) and 11 LG (circa 2016, 22% efficiency) in 2018. Power 9-10 kW.


November 2014, Dr. Blekhman is giving a tour of the Hydrogen Station to Fuel Cell Seminar visitors
Dr. Blekhman is giving a tour of the Cal State LA Hydrogen Research and Fueling Facility for 2014 Fuel Cell Seminar Attendees

2019-2020 Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Alternative Energy Technology at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Technical Director for Cal State LA Hydrogen Research and Fueling Facility

Lead Faculty Advisor for EcoCAR 3 (Facebook) (2014-20180 and EcoCAR 2 (2011-2014) Projects

Project Lead and Designer for Cal State LA Photovoltaic System

Project Lead for Cal State LA Electrical Vehicle Infrastructure, 59 Level II and 6 FCDC

Faculty Advisor for Hydrogen Super Eagle Racer

Shell Eco competition, 20
Cal State LA Shell EcoMarathon Hydrogen Fuel Cell Super Eagle powered by Ballard Nexa, 2011

Updated 2021