Important Advising Links
The department advising wesbite has information on office hours, forms, roadmaps, etc: Advising Hours and Information
Official ME program in the catalog
The most useful tool you have to plan your course schedule is the degree planner on GET. Normally, when I'm helping you pick classes, I'm just using this tool in the same way you can use it. So, I STRONGLY recommend you take control of your future and use the degree planner. Instructions are found here.
Office and Advising Hours (Spring 2024)
ME 3260 course office hours: Tuesdays, 1:00 - 3:00, in my office (ET A-131) or zoom
Advising office hours: Tuesdays/Thursdays, 10:00 - 1:00, in my office (ET A-131) or zoom
Appointments are recommended for advising office hours. make an appointment here.
Teaching Interests
I typically teach Thermodynamics (ME 3260), Heat Transfer (ME 4060), Fluid Mechanics I (ME 3030), and Propulsion Systems (ME 4040).
Fall 2018 - Special Topics - Combustion
Research Interests
My research is in combustion, with a focus on combustion chemistry and flame initiation/propagation. Right now I'm working on: NOx formation, kinetic model reduction, design of optimal experiments, and extraction of reaction rates from literature experiments.
Education and previous positions
Title | Dates | Location | Description |
Associate Professor | Fall 2022 - present | Cal State LA | |
Assistant Professor | Fall 2017 - Spring 2022 | Cal State LA | |
Postdoctoral Appointee | 2015 - 2017 | Argonne National Laboratory |
Working with S. Scott Goldsborough in ES division. Experimental and modeling research on ignition in rapid compression machines. Focus on bio-derived fuels and sources of experimental uncertainty including mild ignition |
Graduate Student | 2009 - 2015 | Princeton University |
Received my M.A. and Ph.D. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Princeton University. I worked with Yiguang Ju and Frederick Dryer. Research topics included flame speed measurement, flame chemistry, model reduction, and measurements in a flow reactor |
Undergraduate Student | 2005 - 2009 | Swarthmore College |
Received my B.S. in Engineering from Swarthmore college, with a minor in Physics. |
For an accurate list of publications see my google scholar page.
For any open-source code I've worked on, including a GUI solver for thermodynamic states, see my GitHub page or my lab GitHub page.