Dr. Md Mijanur Rahman

The picture is of Dr. Mijanur Rahman
College of Arts and Letters
Department of English
Office ETA612

Career Summary

Dr. Rahman is a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Writing Studies in the Department of English at California State University, Los Angeles. A teacher-scholar, he brings interdisciplinary expertise in Applied Linguistics and Writing Studies, especially in areas like genre theories, language ideologies, L2 pragmatics, NNEST, multilingualism, and translingualism. Before joining Cal State LA, Dr. Rahman taught at Illinois State University, Millikin University, Lincoln Land Community College, and Northern University Bangladesh.


Academic Training

Doctor of Philosophy, English Studies (Primary specialization in TESOL/Applied Linguistics with secondary expertise in Rhetoric & Composition), Illinois State University, Normal, IL, Graduated: August 2020

Graduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Illinois State University, Normal, IL, Completed: May 2017

Certificate of Specialized Instruction in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CSI-SoTL), The Graduate School, Illinois State University, Normal, IL, Completed: April 2017

Master of Arts, English (with an emphasis on TESOL), University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Graduated: September 2008

Bachelor of Arts (Honors), English (British literature), University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Graduated: January 2007



Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Rabbi, Shakil, & Md Mijanur Rahman. (2024, December 28). “Translingual Gateways: A Collaborative Autoethnography of Two Transnational Scholars’ Academic Socialization and Transdisciplinarities in Writing Studies. [Special issue on Confluences of Writing Studies and the History of the English Language] Across the Disciplines, 21(2/3), 237-251. https://wac.colostate.edu/docs/atd/volume21/rabbi-rahman.pdf 

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2021). “Making Sense of Materials: Negotiating the Global and the Local in L2 Writing Pedagogy”. EnglishUSA Journal, 5(Fall/Winter 2021), 11-17. https://surface.syr.edu/englishusa_journal/vol5/iss1/6/

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2020).  “Linguistic Diversity and Social Justice in Bangladesh: A Socio-Historic and Language Ideological Perspective.” Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 41(4), 289-304. https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2019.1617296

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2017).  “‘Spam, Spam, Spam…’: A CHAT Perspective.” Grassroots Writing Research Journal, 7(2), 131-140.

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2015). “Interpreting Orwell’s 1984 in Derrida’s Terms.” Praxis: Journal of the Department of English, Rajshahi University, 7, 137-145.

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2012). “A Case for Teaching Cohesion in EFL Classrooms in Bangladesh.” Northern University Studies in English, 1(2), 54-60.

Peer Reviewed Book Chapters

Su Yin, Khor, Cristina Sanchez Martin, Lisya Seloni, Md Mijanur Rahman, and Demet Yigitbilek. (2024). “Multilingual Writing Teacher Identities and Institutional Ecologies: A Collaborative Narrative Inquiry.” In Nonnative English-Speaking Teachers of Writing, Ch 3., edited by M. Tseptsura & T. Ruecker (pp. 45-61). The WAC Clearing House. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37514/INT-B.2024.2142.2.03

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2023). “Affordances and Constraints of Pursuing a TESOL Ph.D. in an English Studies Model". In Narratives of TESOL Professionals: Navigating the Doctoral Program, edited by H. Kayi-Aydar, A. Steadman, and K. Shea (pp. 76-88). Information Age Publishing.

Book Reviews

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2021). Review of the Book Professional Discourse, authored by K. Kong. LINGUIST List: The International Linguistics Community Online, 32(2843). https://linguistlist.org/issues/32/32-2843/

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2019). Review of the Book Letter Writing and Language Change, edited by A. Auer, D. Schreier, & R. J. Watts. LINGUIST List: The International Linguistics Community Online, 30(4527). https://linguistlist.org/issues/30/30-4527/

Op-Ed/Opinion Articles (Selections)

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2021). “Recruiting Top Talents at Univs: Where We Are Doing It Wrong.” The New Age, November 18, 2021, pp. S5, S7-8. https://www.newagebd.net/article/154962/where-we-are-doing-it-wrong

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2016). “RU Professor Murder: RKS is Dead! Long Live RKS!” The Daily Sun, May 4. https://www.daily-sun.com/arcprint/details/133347/RKS-is-Dead-Long-Live-RKS/2016-05-04

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2015). “The Bias Against Madrasa Students.” The Daily Star, Dec 23. https://www.thedailystar.net/op-ed/the-bias-against-madrasa-students-191032

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2014). “Contradicting Congratulations.” Dhaka Tribune, Jan 7. https://www.dhakatribune.com/uncategorized/2014/01/07/contradicting-congratulations

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2013). “Electoral Politics: Issues and Non-Issues.” The Daily Star, Sept 22. https://www.thedailystar.net/news/electoral-politics-issues-and-non-issues

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2013). “Standardising Recruitment Tests in Bangladesh: A Few Words.” The Daily Sun, June 12. 

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2012). “Admission Tests Are Necessary.” The Daily Star, Aug 17. https://www.thedailystar.net/news-detail-246416

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2012).“Arrest of Nafis: The Orwellian Socialist Syndrome in ‘Capitalist’ America.” The Daily Star, Oct 25. https://www.thedailystar.net/news-detail-255152


Peer Reviewed Conference Panels/Colloquium

Rahman, Md Mijanur, Fahad Hossain, Mucktadir Ahmed, Maria Zaman, and Abantika Dhar. (2024). “‘I Feel Grafted’: Narrativizing Multilingual Writers’ Experiences of Writing in Shifting Ecologies. A colloquium presented at the 2024 Symposium of Second Language Writing (SSLW), University of Arizona, November 14-16, 2024.

Rahman, Md Mijanur, Fahad Hossain, and Shakil Rabbi. (2024). “Translingual Gateways to Writing Abundance.” A panel presented at the 2024 Annual Convention of the Conference of College Composition and Communication (CCCC), Spokane, Washington, April 3-6, 2024.

Rahman, Md Mijanur, Linda Greenberg, and Danelle Dykhoff Stelzriede. (2023). “Equity Focused Writing Instruction: Lessons from a Majority Hispanic Serving Institution”. A panel presented at the 2023 Annual Convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), Chicago, Illinois, February 15-18, 2023.

Peer Reviewed Conference Papers

Rabbi, Shakil, and Md Mijanur Rahman. (2024). “Translingual Gateways: A Collaborative Autoethnography of Two Transnational Scholars’ Academic Socialization and Transdisciplinarities in Writing Studies.” Paper presented at Shel13: Studies in the History of the English Language conference titled “The History of English as a (G)local Language” at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison, New Jersey, October 17-20, 2024.

Rahman, Md Mijanur, and Riley Vaca. (2023). “Translingual Praxis in L2 Writing: Considerations of Long-term English Learners”. Paper presented at the 2023 Symposium of Second Language Writing (SSLW), Arizona State University, October 26-28, 2023.

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2023). “An English Studies Model for TESOL Ph.D.: Affordances and Constraints”. Paper presented at the TESOL 2023 International Convention & English Language Expo, Portland, Oregon, March 22-24, 2023.

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2023). “The President Meets the Press: The Pragmatics of Boosting Public Morale about Vaccination Against COVID-19”. Paper presented at the 2023 Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Portland, Oregon, March 18-21, 2023.

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2023). “‘Return of the Repressed’”: Celebrating Diverse Writing Practices”. Paper presented at the 2023 Annual Convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), Chicago, Illinois, February 15-18, 2023.

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2022). “Analyzing ‘a Sound House’: Teaching Accents in an Introductory English Linguistics Course”. Paper presented at the 2022 Annual Curriculum & Pedagogy Conference, State College, Pennsylvania, October 18-20, 2022.

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2021). “Bangladeshi Accents in English: Some Phonological Characteristics”. Paper accepted for the “14th International Conference on Native and Non-native Accents of English” at the University of Łódź, Poland, Dec 9-11, 2021. (Session cancelled)

Rahman, Md Mijanur, Su Yin, Khor, Cristina Sanchez Martin, Lisya Seloni, and Demet Yigitbilek. (2021). “NNEST Identity-as-Pedagogy in U.S. Writing Classrooms: A Collaborative Narrative Inquiry.” Paper presented at the TESOL 2021 International Convention & English Language Expo, Houston, Texas, March 23–26, 2021

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2020). “From Cultural to Colonial: Exploring Differential Values in Bangladeshi and U.S. School Letters.” Paper accepted for presentation at the 2020 Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Denver, CO, March 28-31, 2020. (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19)

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2020). “From Cultural to Colonial: Differential Writing Practices and a Negotiation of Genre’s Value-Laden Nature in FYC Classes.” Paper accepted for presentation at the 2020 Annual Convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), Milwaukee, WI, March 25-28, 2020. (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19; Presentation materials shared online)

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2019). “Linguistic Diversity and Social Justice: Spreading the Word.” Paper presented at the 2019 Culturally Responsive Campus Community (CRCC) Conference: Building Solidarity Across Movements, Illinois State University, Normal, IL, November 18-19, 2019.

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2019). “Exploring Genre Values in Bangladeshi and U.S. School Letters: Implications for EAP/ESP Classes.” Paper presented at the 2019 MITESOL Conference: Collaboration for Success, Grand Valley State University, MI, November 1-2, 2019.

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2018). “Colonial Rhetorical Constraints in Bangladeshi Letter Writing Practices: Implications for Genre Based Critical Writing Pedagogy.” Paper presented at the 17th Symposium on Second Language Writing (SSLW) titled "Second Language Writing in Multilingual Contexts", Vancouver, Canada, August 2-4, 2018.

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2018). “Linguistic Diversity and Social Justice in Bangladesh: A Socio-Historic and Language Ideological Perspective.” Paper presented at the 2018 Conference of American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, Chicago, IL, March 23-26, 2018.

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2018). “Learner Variability in L2 Ultimate Attainment: A Tale of Two Learners.” Paper presented at the TESOL 2018 International Convention & English Language Expo, Chicago, IL, March 27-30, 2018.

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2017). “Engaging the Disengaged: SPACEed Assignments in a Professional Writing Course.” Paper presented at the Illinois Association of Teachers of English (IATE) conference titled “Reimagine”, Normal, IL, October 21-22, 2017.

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2017). “(De)colonizing Genre: (Un)changing Practices of Letter Writing.” Paper presented at the Graduate Conference in Literature and Composition “A Dystopian Future, A Dystopian Past: Structure, Power, and Language in English Studies”, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, IL, March 31- April 1, 2017.

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2016). “Addressing Conundrum: Considerations for Pedagogy Involving Multilingual Students.” Paper presented at the Pedagogy, Multilingualism and Assessment Panel in “Wordsworth,” the English Studies Graduate Student Conference, Illinois State University, Normal, IL, March 18-19, 2016.

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2011). “Developing Learners’ Discourse Skill at the Higher Secondary Level in Bangladesh.” Paper presented at the BELTA National ELT Conference “Sustaining Innovation in English Language Education,” University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh, January 7-8, 2011.

Peer Reviewed Conference Posters

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2021). “(De)hailing: Genre Conventions and Politeness Strategies in Admissions Decision Letters.” Poster presented at the TESOL 2021 International Convention & English Language Expo, Houston, Texas, March 23–26, 2021

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2019). “From Cultural to Colonial: Exploring Differential Genre Values in School Letters.” Posted accepted for presentation at the WATESOL 2019 Fall Conference, Catholic University, Washington, DC, Oct 5. (Poster session cancelled)

Invited Talks/Workshops/Panels

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2024). “Working toward Equity in Instructional Settings”. An invited plenary session speech delivered at the 3rd Innovation and Transformation for Development (ITD) International Conference 2024 organized by Green University of Bangladesh, Nov 9-10, 2024.

Rahman, Md Mijanur, Cristina Sanchez-Martin, Flourice Richardson, and Sarah Warren-Riley. (2024). “Mobilizing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Across Institution.” Panel discussion hosted by the Department of English at Illinois State University, March 22, 2024. 

Rahman, Md Mijanur, Linda Greenberg, and Danelle Dykhoff Stelzriede. (2023). “Writing, Equity, and Engagement.” Workshop conducted for faculty in the Department of English at Lehman College of the City University of New Work (CUNY), April 28, 2023.

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2021). “Making Sense of Materials: Negotiating the Global and the Local in L2 Writing Pedagogy.” Invited talk delivered in the Department of English, Northern University Bangladesh, June 22, 2021.

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2021). “You Already Sound Perfect: Celebrating Linguistic Diversity in Classrooms and Beyond.” Invited talk delivered in the Department of English at Leading University, Sylhet, Bangladesh, June 3, 2021.

Campus and/or Departmental Talks

Rahman, Md Mijanur, Katrine Chakmakchian; and Megan Bowe. (2024). “Teaching ENGL 1010 – Accelerated College Writing.”  Professional development workshop for faculty new to teaching the redesigned ENGL 1010. Department of English, California State University, Los Angeles, May 03, 2024. 

Rahman, Md Mijanur, and Danelle Dykhoff Stelzriede. (2023). “Assessing Rhetorical Knowledge in First-Year Writing Classrooms.” Assessment report presented at the 7th Assessment Faire at Cal State LA, April 28, 2023.

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2020). “International Student Career Series Alumni Panel.” Illinois State University Career Services and International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS), October 23, 2020.

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2020). “All about Genres”. First Year Writing Program Conference – Fall 2020, California State University, Los Angeles, October 16.

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2017). “CHATting: First Year Composition and Beyond.” Writing Summit, Illinois State University, Normal, IL, January 13.

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2014). “Teaching Grammar to Low Proficiency Students.” Workshop on Teaching Quality Improvement, Northern University Bangladesh, Dhaka.

Rahman, Md Mijanur. (2013). “A Framework for Teacher Development.” Workshop on Teaching Quality Improvement, Northern University Bangladesh, Dhaka.

Courses Designed & Taught

  • ENGL 5990 – Thesis (Supervision) 
  • ENGL 5980 – Graduate Directed Study 
  • ENGL 5100 – Seminar: Language & Literacy
  • ENGL 4990 – Undergraduate Directed Study 
  • ENGL 4950 – Senior Capstone
  • ENGL 4180 – Issues in English Language Teaching 
  • ENGL 4101 – Introduction to English Linguistics
  • ENGL 3100 – Readings on the English Language
  • ENGL 3060 – Discourse Analysis for Language Studies
  • ENGL 3050 – Issues in Writing Pedagogy 
  • ENGL 3010 – Advanced College Writing 
  • ENGL 3000 – English Tutorial: Reading & Writing in the Major 
  • ENGL 2100 – Language and Society (Cross-listed with ANTH 2300) 
  • ENGL 1010 – Accelerated College Writing 
  • ENGL 1005A – College Writing I