David M. Krum

David Krum, holding a virtual reality display.
College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology
Computer Science
Office ETA326


Hello! I am David M. Krum, an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the California State University, Los Angeles.

  • My research interests include human-computer interaction, 3D interaction, and virtual/augmented reality.
  • I lead the Experience Lab (also known as the XP Lab), which studies human-computer interaction and specializes in the research and development of virtual and augmented reality technologies.
  • I co-direct the Institute for Interactive Arts, Research, and Technology (InART), which advances the art, practice, and research of digital narrative (storytelling) and game design.
  • More information is available at my personal page.


  • Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology
  • M.S., University of Alabama in Huntsville
  • B.S., Engineering and Applied Science, California Institute of Technology

Student Hours (AKA Office Hours)

  • Please schedule an in-person or a Zoom meeting on my Calendly page.
  • You can also email me to schedule a meeting if the standard student hour times will not work for you.


  • For Fall 2024, I am teaching two courses:
    • CS 4555-01: Introduction to 3D Game Programming
    • CS 4875-01: Human Centered Computing

Past Courses

  • CS 2011: Introduction to Programming I (Spring 2023, Fall 2023)
  • CS 4555: Introduction to 3D Game Programming (Fall, 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020).
  • CS 4540: Topics in Advanced Computer Science: Virtual Reality and Immersive Worlds (Spring 2024, Spring 2023)
  • CS 4540: Topics in Advanced Computer Science: Human Centered Computing (Spring 2022, Spring 2021).
  • CS 7010: Introduction to Computational Thinking (Summer 2024)
  • ENGR 1540: Human-Centered Design and Engineering for Impact (Spring 2024)


  • If you are interested in any of the following opportunities, please contact me.
    • I host a journal club (like a book club) for undergrad and grad students to read interesting papers in human-computer interaction, including virtual/augmented reality.
    • I am also available to advise Master's projects/theses. I typically mentor on projects related to my research interests in human-computer interaction, virtual reality, and augmented reality.

Admission to Cal State LA

  • If you are interested in a working on a PhD with me, unfortunately, Cal State LA does not offer a Computer Science PhD program.
  • If you are interested in the MS or BS program, I encourage you to apply! You do not need to contact me. I do not have influence over the admissions decision for your application.
  • I can not promise research or teaching assistant funding for students in advance.

Miscellaneous Advice to Computer Science Students

  • When you replace an older computer or laptop with a shiny new model, take the old computer and install Linux on it. Figuring out how to set up and use a Linux beater computer can teach you a lot!
  • When I was an undergraduate, a classmate told me to spend a weekend learning LaTeX, a typesetting language. It took me many weekends to learn LaTeX, but I was able to create my resume, numerous research papers, my PhD dissertation, and many other wonderfully typeset documents.
  • Learn something about electronics, both analog and digital electronics. This will help you appreciate the marvel of the computer.
  • The programmer, or software engineer, is still a toolsmith. We build tools (software and systems) to help others do their work better, faster, and more elegantly. We need to learn as much as we can about the people and the work for which we build the tools. 
  • Stay curious!