Charles C. Hays, Cal State LA Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
College of Natural and Social Sciences
Physics & Astronomy
Office BSRoom - 265
323-343-6685 (Desk); 213-274-3431 (Cell)



Ph.D., Physics, University of Texas, Austin, Texas (December 1997)
- Dissertation title: The Mott-Hubbard/Fermi-Liquid System La1-xSrxTiO3
- Ph.D. Research Advisor: Prof. John B. Goodenough (Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, Dec. 10, 2019); and Ph.D. Dissertation Advisor: Prof. John T. Markert.

M.S., Physics, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (May 1986), Thesis title: The Structural and Mechanical Properties of a Cu60Zr40 (at. %) Alloy Processed by High-Velocity-Injection (HVI), Master’s Thesis Advisor: Professor Donald G. Naugle.

B.S., Physics, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (May 1983), Undergraduate Research Advisor: Prof. Donald G. Naugle.



(Oct-2013 to Present): Full-time Senior Lecturer in Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, California State University Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA. Conducting experimental and theoretical research related to: Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science, Instruments and Robotics for Space Science (NASA), Global Warming and Climate Science,  and Renewable Energy Materials & Technology.

(2015 to 2016): Sr. Research Scientist, Mitchell Inst. for Fund. Physics & Astronomy, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX, Designed and built cryostat insert and vacuum can assembly for vintage Oxford Kelvinox 3He/4He Dilution Refrigerator for characterization of large-mass, single-crystal Ge detectors with superconducting readout, at temperatures below 20 mK, for Super Cryogenic Dark Matter Search Project Team. Dilution refrigerator currently fully operational (2018).

(2015): Lecturer, Dept. of Mech. Engr., California State Univ. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA

(2013 to 2014): Lecturer, Dept. of Chemical & Materials. Engineering., Cal-Poly, Pomona, CA

(2014): Lecturer, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Cal-Poly, Pomona, CA

(2002 to 2013): Sr. Member of the Tech. Staff, Caltech, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA

- Fundamental Physics, Planetary Science, Renewable Energy Materials; Missions: Genesis, Planck, MSL

(2001 to 2002): Caltech Staff Scientist, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Caltech, Pasadena, CA

- Fundamental Physics; Superfluids under Micro-Gravity Conditions

(1997 to 2001): Sr. Postdoctoral Scholar, Div. of Applied Physics & Materials Sci., Caltech, Pasadena, CA

- Discovered shear band pattern formation in ductile metal reinforced, BMG matrix composites

(1987 to 1989): Sr. Member of the Technical Staff, Ardex Inc., Austin, TX

- Technical lead, multi-layer magnetic thin films for high frequency applications.

(1986 to 1987): Sr. Process Control Engr., LTV Corp, Dallas, TX

- Designed and built instrumentation for analysis of graphite/epoxy composite materials.

(1983 to 1984): Materials Engr., Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, West Palm Beach, FL 

- Characterized rapidly solidified alloys prepared by powder metallurgy processing.

PATENTS: C. C. Hays, U.S. Patent Number: US8571615B2, US6592689B1, US6709536B1, US6669793B2, and US6592689B1.

SUMMARY OF PUBLICATIONS (As of November 26, 2024):

Web of Science Researcher-ID (on P-8021-2015, Citations: 2,497 (h-index = 13).

Google Scholar: Citations: 3,494 (h-Index = 15, i10-Index = 16).

- See website: 

ResearchGate: Citations (2,916), Reads (7,208), 132 Followers, Research Interest (1,327; Top 6% on ResearchGate).

- See website: 


  • (July-2013) MSL ChemCam Instrument Development and Science Team: For exceptional achievement defining ChemCam’s scientific goals and requirements, developing the instrument and investigation, and operating ChemCam successfully on Mars.
  • (May-2010) Planck US High-Frequency-Instrument Team: For outstanding achievement in developing spider-web and polarization-sensitive bolometers for Planck US High-Frequency-Instrument (HFI).