U-LEAD: Dealing with Failure

Date and time
Wednesday, October 20, 2021 - 3:00pm

U-LEAD is back. U-LEAD is a series of leadership development workshops to help you increase your leadership capital! Learn about various ways to be a leader, social issues affecting communities, and what YOU can do to make a difference in the world. This workshop is designed to create a space where students discuss their encounters with failure. This workshop will provide tips and tricks on how to bypass the stigmas that surround this topic. Along with these discussions, the workshop will also provide students with resources on what to do if they are failing a class. The outcome is for students to take charge of their academic success and know that Cal State LA is there to help them. Attend three out of the six U-LEAD sessions to be entered in the grand prize drawing. 

Register for the event via Link Tree.