Admission Information

Tours are being offered at 9:30 am every other Thursday starting June 1, 2023

Please contact our front office at 323-343-2470 to reserve a spot (space is limited). Walk-in tours are not permitted.

The Center is open to children between the ages of six months and five years who are ready for the type of group experience offered and who can benefit from the program. Children who have physical or developmental disabilities are welcome in the program once parents and teachers determine that the Center can meet the individual needs of the child. The Center is operated on a nondiscriminatory basis, according to equal treatment and access to services without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, mental disability, or physical disability. The program does not include religious instruction or worship.

Please click on this link to create a portal through HUBBE to complete an application and to be placed on the waitlist



The Center is primarily available for the children of students currently enrolled at Cal State L.A. Student parents must complete an application indicating their class schedule. Student applications are processed at the beginning of each quarter. Upon availability of space the Center will serve the children of faculty, staff and community. Applications are processed throughout the year after student parents have been served. Children who are not accepted will be put on the waitlist until they are offered a space or are no longer eligible due to age. No child will be enrolled for less than two days per week and four hours per day.

  1. Grant Programs: The Children’s Center offers enrollment in two programs that are funded by the California Department of Education. These programs are General Child Care or State Preschool, which can cover full day child care needs for any age group, five days per week. Enrollment in either program requires that the parent establish income eligibility.
  2. Pre-admission visit and application: Prior to admission, it is recommended that the parent visit the Center to become acquainted with the program and to fill out an application. Tours for prospective parents are scheduled bi-weekly and must be set up in advance. Due to COVID-19, tours have been suspended. To inquire about when tours will resume, please call 323)343-2470.
  3. Admission and orientation: Children are admitted to the program when it is determined that space is available in their age group and that the program is appropriate to their needs. Parents will be notified by phone that their child has been admitted. After admission, a mandatory orientation will be scheduled at which time the parent will be given complete information about the Center including policies, procedures, activities, services, hours of operation, and fee structure. An additional classroom visit for the child and parent will be scheduled to provide time to get acquainted with the teacher and make the initial transition into the program easier. Infants and toddlers will be scheduled for three visits to the classroom prior to their first day of care.

Telephone: (323)343-2470

The Children's Center is open:
7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

The Center operates on a year-round basis except for holiday closures and seven teacher-in-service days per year. The Center observes all University holidays and additionally closes for two weeks at Christmas. A calendar of events and closures is provided for parents at the initial orientation and annually thereafter.