Aimee Lim

Aimee Lim

Aimee Lim is the Resource and Operations Analyst for the CBE and provides support to the Resource Manager in all aspects of the CBE’s operations, finance, and human resource management activities. Aimee brings to the CBE experiences from across campus through her work with the Office of Planning and Budget in Academic Affairs, Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Charter College of Education, the College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology, and the Department of Biological Sciences. As a student, Aimee worked in Student Affairs and at the Educational Opportunity Program and the Office for Students with Disabilities.

Aimee enjoys working with everyone at the college from the renowned, award-winning faculty, to the amazingly talented staff and student assistants, to working with a Resource Manager who motivates, mentors and guides her to dream big.

Aimee has a Master of Arts Degree in Education, option in Science Education. When Aimee is not working, she likes to host get-togethers with her family and friends. She loves to cook and bake. Aimee also loves to go to Disneyland.