Center for Logistics and Supply Chain Management


About Us

Over the past several decades, logistics and supply chain management (LSCM) has evolved into a key strategy for leading companies to achieve a competitive advantage. In both manufacturing and service sectors, LSCM has been viewed as an important enabler to reduce logistics costs, increase customer satisfaction, and improve overall operational efficiency. It is widely recognized that today’s competition is between supply chains rather than individual firms.

LSCM industry is especially important for the metro Los Angeles area. As a supply chain hub for international trade, the Los Angeles/ Long Beach port complex is the largest container port in the U.S. and LAX is the 4th largest airfreight center. According to the California Transportation and Logistics Institute, 350,000 more jobs will be needed to maintain the flow of goods in the Los Angeles metro area by 2030.

Housed in the College of Business and Economics at California State University, Los Angeles, the Center for Logistics and Supply Chain Management (CLSCM) was established in May 2016 to embrace opportunities and challenges in this fast developing field. By delivering state-of-the-art knowledge in logistics and supply chain management to students, business practitioners, and community stakeholders, CLSCM aims to serve as a ready source that provides inter-disciplinary and effective LSCM solutions in the Los Angeles metro area.


  • To offer innovative teaching in logistics and supply chain management at undergraduate, graduate, and executive levels;
  • To conduct research and develop practical solutions that address real challenges in logistics and supply chain management;
  • To promote effective collaboration between business community and Cal State LA.

Educational Programs

BS Business Administration in Operations and Supply Chain Management

Operations refer to what an organization does to create value. This might involve delivering a service or manufacturing a product. Operations Management addresses the management of this value-creation process. Strategic issues include process and technology selection, facility and service design, supply chain, capacity, quality, inventory, and work force management. Graduates pursue careers in a wide range of industries that include hospitality, health care, government, information services, banking and manufacturing.

Minor in Operations and Supply Chain Management

OSCM refers to what an organization does to create value. This might involve delivering a service or manufacturing a product. OSCM addresses the management of this value-creation process. Strategic issues include process and technology selection, facility and service design, supply chain, capacity, quality, inventory, and work force management.

Certificate in Operations and Supply Chain Management

The undergraduate credit certificate program in Operations Management is designed to prepare non-Management option Business Administration majors and students in other majors for employment in an operations management position and to provide working and professional people the operations management knowledge necessary for rapid career advancement.

MS in Supply Chain Management (developing)


  • Dr. Min Shi
  • Dr. Blair Berkley
  • Dr. Kern Kwong
  • Dr. Cheng Li
  • Dr. Bo Li
  • Dr. Fang Fang


Contact Us

Dr. Min Shi, Director | [email protected]

Center of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
College of Business and Economics, ST-711
5151 University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032

(323) 343-2895