Remediation and Accessibility Monitoring Process (RAMP)

ITS Accessibility continually monitors Cal State LA's web presence to maintain and improve overall Accessibility. Web accessibility techniques combine continuous automated scanning, manual evaluations, developer feedback, and assistance during design and development.

Continuous Automated Web Accessibility Scanning

The university implements a variety of automated testing tools depending on the user and situation. For ongoing monitoring, we employ an enterprise-wide web accessibility scanning tool, PopeTech.

  • Automated web accessibility scanning is continual.
  • Our scanning tool monitors administrative websites; scanning categories reflect our website inventory classification.
  • Each month, web accessibility liaisons and Drupal content editors receive an email with their latest scan results and a link to their web accessibility dashboard.
  • We encourage recipients of these reports to contact ITS Accessibility if they require assistance.
  • A manual evaluation is conducted before launch for new web development or an overhaul/re-launch of an existing website and on a rotating schedule each quarter.
  • This process continues on an ongoing basis to maintain web accessibility and review content additions for adherence to accessibility standards.

Manual Evaluation

  • ITS Accessibility conducts manual evaluations of high-priority websites on a quarterly rolling schedule chosen from our web inventory.
  • ITS conducts manual template evaluations before a significant change or improvement to our Drupal template.
  • You can request that ITS conduct a manual evaluation of your website anytime.
  • All websites, including vendor (non-Drupal) websites, must be manually reviewed before launch.
  • Non-drupal websites are included in our web inventory and will receive manual evaluations as part of the rolling quarterly schedule.

Manual Evaluation Schedule

ITS Accessibility schedules rolling manual evaluations of our websites and targets three sites for each quarter. Manual evaluations will resume in July 2023 after our Drupal 9 transition. The websites scheduled for manual evaluation in the third quarter, beginning July 2023, are:

ITS Accessibility will work with the web liaison from each area to remediate barriers and provide training on associated accessibility best practices. The manual evaluation includes all linked digital content, which, if required, is sent for remediation.