Magnetic Resonance Facilities

  1. Bruker X-Band CW EMX EPR Spectrometer (in Lab ASCB-155A) with an ER 4141VT-UM nitrogen variable temperature system (100K-500K) and an ER 4112HV Helium Temperature Control System (3.8 K to 300 K).
  2. Bruker AvanceTM 600WB NMR spectrometer (held in lab ASCB-158) with an inverse triple resonance multinuclear (TBI) probe (5 mm sample diameter), a multinuclear broadband observe (BBO) probe (5 mm sample diameter), a Quatro-nuclear (QNP) probe (5 mm sample diameter), Triple resonance multinuclear DVT CP-MAS probe  (4mm rotor), Triple resonance multinuclear CP-MAS probe  (7mm rotor),a multinuclear VTN CP-MAS probe (2.5 mm rotor), a H-F-X triple resonance probe (4 mm rotor), diffusion and micro-imaging accessories, and triple resonance DNP probe.
  3. Bruker AvanceTM II 400 MHz spectrometer (ASCB-157) with a multinuclear broadband observe probe (5 mm sample diameter) and an inverse broadband (BBI) probe (5 mm sample diameter).
  4. Bruker DRX 400 MHz NMR spectrometer (ASCB-157): It has a Doty XC5 (5 mm rotor) triple resonance solid probe, one Bruker 7 mm double resonance solid probe, and a number of liquid state NMR probes.