Marguerite Ann Snow Ph.D.

Charter College of Education
Department of Applied and Advanced Studies in Education
Office KHA2044



My career in TESOL/Applied Linguistics has been profoundly influenced by Professor Russell N. Campbell, my mentor at UCLA. Professor Campbell, an early proponent of bilingualism and a believer in the power of early language acquisition, founded the Culver City Spanish Immersion Program in 1972. Modeled after the French immersion model in Montreal, Canada, the Spanish Immersion Program was the first immersion program in the United States. Immersion education can now be found in virtually every state in the U. S. and offers a second/foreign language experience to school-age children in a variety of foreign languages, including Spanish, French, German, Hebrew, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, and Hawaiian.

I began conducting research at the Culver City Spanish Immersion Program in 1977. This research led to both my MA thesis and doctoral dissertation at UCLA and, more broadly, interest in the area of language and content integration, that is, using subject matter as a methodology for language teaching. My first book, Content-Based Second Language Instruction, published in 1987 (with my co-authors Donna Brinton and Marjorie Wesche) was re-released in 2003 as a University of Michigan Press “classics” edition. This work and other publications apply the notion of content-based instruction to ESL and English for academic purposes (EAP) settings, both in K-12 and postsecondary contexts.

A second strand of Dr. Campbell’s influence may be found in my interest in the teaching of English in international settings. I was a Fulbright scholar at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1985-86 and at the University of Cyprus and Eastern Mediterranean University in 2009. I have conducted teacher training workshops and institutes all over the world, including in settings as Argentina, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Morocco, Pakistan, Russia, Spain, and Turkey. From 2001-2008, I worked on a U. S. Agency for International Development project to develop EFL standards in Egypt.

I am gratified that my research and teaching efforts have been recognized. I received the Pimsleur Award from ACTFL for the best research study in foreign language education (along with my co-authors Amado Padilla and Russell Campbell). I was given the Outstanding Professor award at California State University, Los Angeles in 1999, and received the President's Distinguished Professor award in 2007. All of my on-going professional activities, whether in the U.S. or abroad, offer interesting challenges for combining teaching and scholarship in TESOL/Applied Linguistics.



My teaching and research interests are in the following areas: Immersion education, content-based instruction, English for Specific and Academic Purposes, standards, pedagogical grammar, and academic writing. I teach a variety of courses in the TESOL MA program: TESL 4000: Linguistics in Language Education; TESL 5600: Theories of Teaching and Learning Second Languages; TESL 5610: Pedagogical Grammar for Teachers of ESL/EFL; TESL 5640: Teaching English for Academic Purposes; TESL 5690/TESL 6000: Language Policy and Planning; TESL 5720: ESL/EFL Course, Syllabus, and Materials Design. I recently developed academic writing courses for credential/MA students (EDUC 4000) and for doctoral students in the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership program (TESL 6001). 



Snow, M. A., & Brinton, D. M. (in press). The content-based classroom: New Perspectives on integrating language and content. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.

Celce-Murcia, M., Brinton, D. M., & Snow, M. A. (Eds.). (2014). Teaching English as a second or foreign language (4th ed.). Boston, MA:  National Geographic Learning Heinle Cengage.

Snow, M.A. (Series Co-consultant/Editor). 2014.  Q Skills for Success (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. (12 book Academic English textbook series)

Snow, M.A. (Series Co-consultant/Editor). 2011.  Q Skills for Success. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. (12 book Academic English textbook series)
Snow, M. A., & Kamhi-Stein, L. D. (Eds.). (2006). Developing a new course for adult learners. Alexandria, VA:  TESOL.

Richard-Amato, P. A., & Snow, M. A.  (Eds.).  (2005). Academic success for English language learners:  Strategies for K-12 mainstream teachers.  New York, NY: Longman.

Brinton, D. M., Snow, M. A., & Wesche, M. B.  (2003). Content-based second language instruction – Michigan Classics Edition.  Ann Arbor, MI:  University of Michigan Press.

Snow, M. A. (Ed.). (2000). Implementing the ESL standards for pre-K-12 students through teacher education.  Alexandria, VA:  Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.

Snow, M. A., & Brinton, D. M.  (Eds.).  (1997). The content-based classroom:  Perspectives on integrating language and content.  New York, NY:  Addison Wesley Longman.

Richard-Amato, P. A., & Snow, M. A.  (Eds.).  (1992). The multicultural classroom:  Readings for content-area teachers.  New York, NY:  Longman.

Brinton, D. M., Snow, M. A., & Wesche, M. B.  (1989). Content-based second language instruction.  New York, NY: Newbury House.

Edited Journals

Johns, A. M., & Snow, M. A. (Eds). (2006). Journal of English for Academic Purposes: Special Issue: Academic English in Secondary Schools, 5(4). [Guest editors of special theme issue].
Snow, M. A., & Brinton, D. M.  (Eds.).  (1992). The CATESOL Journal, 5(1), [Guest Editors of Special Theme Issue on Content-Based Instruction].

Refereed Journal Articles and Chapters/Sections in Books

Snow, M.A., McCormick, J., & Osipova, A. (in press). Academic language across educational levels in content-based instruction. In M. A. Snow & D. M. Brinton (Eds.), The content-based classroom: New Perspectives on integrating language and content. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.

Snow, M.A. (in press). Content-based language teaching as a vehicle for academic language development. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), Handbook of research in second language teaching and learning (Vol. III). New York, NY: Routledge.
Zetlin, A., Snow, M. A., McCormick, J. (in press). Are we doing a good job of preparing special education teachers to work with English language learners? In Special education: Developments, teaching strategies and parental involvement. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Snow, M. A., & Katz, A. M. (2014). Assessing language and content. In A. J. Kunnan (Ed.), The companion to language assessment (pp. 230-247). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Snow, M. A. (2014). Content-based and immersion models of second/foreign language teaching. In M. Celce-Murcia, D. M. Brinton, & M. A. Snow (Eds.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language (4th ed., pp. 438-454). Boston, MA:  National Geographic Learning Heinle Cengage.

Snow, M. A. (2013). Content-based language instruction and content and language integrated learning.  In C. Chapelle (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (pp. 693-712). Malden, MA: Blackwell.

Snow, M. A., & Katz, A. M. (2010). English language development:  Foundations and implementation in kindergarten through grade five. In California Department of Education Improving education for English learners: Research-based approaches (pp. 83-148). Sacramento, CA: California Department of Education.



Ph.D. Applied Linguistics 1985
 University of California, Los Angeles

MA Teaching English as a Second Language 1979
 University of California, Los Angeles

BA Linguistics 1977
 University of California, Los Angeles


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