Conduct or Care?
The CARE Team supports students who are in distress or appear to be profoundly struggling. The CARE Team does not address behavior that is unlawful or violates University policies.
Some student behavior is best handled by the Office of Student Conduct. To help you distinguish who best to contact, please read:
Responding to Threatening Behavior
As a faculty or staff member, you may have to respond to a student who is emotionally distressed or is exhibiting disruptive behavior.
The Responding to Disruptive or Threatening Student Behavior guide can assist your area in thinking through a response to situations in which students may behave in unusual or unpredictable ways, help you handle a threat, and assist you with referral and protocol procedures.
Responding to Threatening Behavior
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is critical to building trust in our University community. Academic dishonesty can include:
- cheating
- plagiarism
- misrepresentation (knowingly providing false information)
- collusion (helping another to cheat)
Academic dishonesty reports are initially addressed by faculty. If a student is found responsible, the report is shared with the Dean of Students for further review.