John Hurley

My mom thinks I'm handsome
College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology
Department of Computer Science
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I teach a broad range of courses in Computer Science.  I am currently teaching CS5035: Topics in Functional Programming, CS3801: Societal and Ethical Issues in Computing, and CS3035: Programming Paradigms.  I often teach CS2013: Programming with Data Structures and CS2012: Introduction to Programming With Java Part II. I also advise a group of Senior Design students on a capstone project each year.

Office Hours


The purpose of office hours is to get clarification on class material and assignments.  Come to my office hours with specific questions.  Please don't:

  • Study or write any substantial amount of code in my office hours space or during an online office hour
  • Ask me to write code for you
  • Ask questions which are already answered in the lecture notes or assignment prompts
  • Use office hours as a substitute for reading the textbook and paying attention to the lectures

My office hours end at the times shown.  I have other commitments immediately after my office hours, so please arrive or call in well before the scheduled end time. 

Online office hours are public by default, since other students may overhear our conversation.  If you need to discuss a confidential issue, ask me to set up a private chat. 


Office Hours Schedule For Spring 2024:

These office hours will begin in week 2

Wednesday 2:15 PM to 3:15 PM ONLINE:

Thursday 11:40 to 12:40 IN PERSON in A310 (room on the other side of the partition in the entryway to A309)