Common Human Resources System (CHRS)

Mandated by the Chancellor's Office, this collaborative program initiative will convert Cal State LA's GET Human Resources system to the CSU-wide Common Human Resources System (CHRS). Implementation will decrease the time and cost of individual campus customizations and increase efficiencies by automating interfaces from the common system to the State Controller's Office and the Chancellor's Office.


What is CHRS?
CHRS is a program designed to create a single HR data management system for all of the CSU. It includes upgrading to the latest version of the PeopleSoft HR application and providing a consistent baseline of technology. In addition, the program will deliver a shared HR data warehouse that will be centrally developed and maintained, will include a core set of analytic tools (dashboards and reports), and will provide a data source for local campus data warehouses. CHRS will have many valuable benefits for the overall system and the campuses, including:

  • Access to the most current version of software available, which includes significant added new functionality;
  • Allows for more rapid deployment of new system functionality;
  • Common business practices across the campuses to provide administrative efficiencies and reduce modifications to the system;
  • Enhanced reporting and analytics at the campus and system levels;
  • Improved user experiences in the HR applications, including enabling future mobile access to HR services and improved recruiting and on-boarding capabilities;
  • Alignment with the upgrade of the Student System that must take place; and
  • Positions the CSU to consider cloud-based or other technology platforms in the future.


Implementation Timeline
At this time, the timeline is still being determined as to when Cal State LA will be moving to this consolidated system.  There are Cal State LA staff actively involved in the systemwide activities concerning the design and implemenation of this strategic project.  More information concerning the implementation timeline will be posted when it is available.

The pre-requisitie to this project was the Campus Solutions 9.2 Upgrade and separation.  The goal of the Campus Solutions 9.2 Upgrade included separating the Campus Solutions system from the Human Resource system and upgrading the Campus Solutions application to version 9.2. This was completed in May 2019. Currently, the Cal State LA Campus Solutions system is now a separate independent system. It is no longer combined with the HR system. More information concerning this initiative can be found at our Campus Solutions 9.2 Upgrade page.


Additional Information for the CHRS Iniatiative?
For Cal State LA employees, you can find additional information by visitng the Common Human Resources System website.  This will require your MyCalStateLA ID username and password to log into.  The site contains frequent project updates and other project team guides to assist with the upgrade scheduled listed above.